Hello from Thailand

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Butter9, Jan 8, 2020.

  1. Butter9

    Butter9 Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2020
    I've got a black female Enlish lab puppy. She is 9 weeks old today and her name is Lucky . I brought her home over the New Year holiday and spent 4 nights / 5 days with her before heading back to work . Prior to this I had a yellow male lab - Butter- who was 11 when he died . Honestly I didn't remember it was this exhausting to have a new pup .
    I've managed to crate train Lucky but the first 3 nights was exhausting but I didn't give in to the whining and crying and now she happily plays in her crate and sleeps well in it.
    The problem I have is with her being super hyper and excited every time I come home from work. She will greet me nicely smiling with wagging tails and I always play games with her ( to reward her for the fact that I've been away at work . My family looks after her during the day . ) and she would get so overexcited and bitey that it felt like she was a completely different dog than the one that greeted me 10 minutes ago . What can I do ? Also what can I do to calm her at night . I usually play games with her in the house ( too many mosquitoes outdoor ) like fetch , hide & seek or chase ( I thought these games would tire her out and they do but she does get overexcited / bitey too ). Should I stop these and play a calmer games ( what are they ?? ) .
    Thanks for all your help in advance .
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, and welcome to the forum. Congratulations on your new puppy. :)

    You don't need to worry about tiring out a 9 week old. It's very easy to get puppies over excited. So periods of lively play should be short and stop if the puppy is getting wound up. It's also important to focus on teaching her calm behaviors. Make sure some of her daily food ration is set aside for training and use this food to reward her when she is doing what you want her to do. For example. You can reward her for having all four paws on the floor, or for resting quietly in her bed or crate. Don't make a big deal about it, just place the treat between her front paws.
  3. Butter9

    Butter9 Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2020
    Thanks so much . The first week I did feel like I was losing my mind. One minute she's an angel with large brown eyes licking my hands and the next minute she's growling and barking and trying to bite my hand then zooming off around the house etc. She does get plenty of exercise in the garden so I can't take her out for walks yet until she's completed her vaccination programs .Thanks for your kind advice . Now I ignore her when she get too hyper and come back to her when she's calm . Will keep working on it.
  4. Butter9

    Butter9 Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2020
    Can you please post a link of the video or advice me how to keep my puppy calm ? I have tried a few things. Some work and some didn't . Thanks
  5. EyeoftheStorm

    EyeoftheStorm Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Hi I’m new too, my black lab puppy is just 10 weeks. Can I ask how much you feed yours? I’m pretty sure I’m neither starving her or plumping her up but it’s hard to tell and I find the guidelines confusing. Currently I’m giving her half a mug of royal canin four times a day. Our first week has been quite chaotic too. Sounds like your doing great so hold on in there, it is so tiring. When our storm gets over excited, I let her have some calm down time and it seems to work but then she sleeps a lot. Everyone’s different of course. Best of luck with yours.
  6. Butter9

    Butter9 Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2020
    Hi there. Congrats on your new puppy . My girl is 9 weeks and 6 days old today . I'm feeding her 50 grams of Taste of The Wild kibble +some meat ( beef , pork , chicken etc ) and vegetables as per my breeder's recommendation . She loves it. She's crate trained and I'm super shocked at how fast this happened ! The first three nights was a NIGHTMARE ! LOL . Howling , crying , whining throughout the nights but the solution is to ' NEVER give in ' and just let them cry it out and after the first three sleepless nights she only needs the toilet once a night ( at like 1-2 am ) and I set my alarm for that . Also when she wakes up she just sits and waits in her crate until I let her out .
    She still does get a bit overexcited from time to time ( when I come home from work ) . Before that I used to greet her and run around with her , chase her which excited her even more but after I was advised on this forum I started to greet her more calmly when I see her after work . Took her to the vet for second vaccines and she's perfectly calm . She now knows how to sit when i ask her to and surprisingly she can now also retrieve . That was a bit of a shock because I thought that would happen later on . She's also house trained she knows where to pee / poop so she'll run to the door when the times come . It is exhausting ( my life was literally turned upside down. A dog is a responsibility ! ) but when I look into her sweet eyes I know it's been worth it .
    Good luck and best wishes with yours too !
  7. EyeoftheStorm

    EyeoftheStorm Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    We have now had Storm three weeks and she has fit into the family nicely. She’s starting to get a bit adventurous and confident. Don’t seem to get anything done at the minute. I was surprised too that Storm sits and comes. She’s not very good at drop though but perhaps that just being strong willed. Those eyes make my heart melt, even if she has got my trainer in her mouth glad you got the sleeping a bit more sorted. Does lucky respond to her name yet? Storm doesn’t seem to have a clue. I’m sure she things she’s called sit ‍♀️ x
  8. Butter9

    Butter9 Registered Users

    Jan 8, 2020
    Yes Lucky knows her name . I have to say am SHOCKED at how fast she's learning . Now she's house trained , sleeps in her crate the whole night ( Thanks heaven ! ) and she loves to play fetch and retrieve . It's astonishing . I think it's Instinctive as she's a Lab retriever but I didn't realise she would learn so fast . She's super daughter though and loves to chase birds in the garden . When I look in to her sweet face at the end of the day I realised that those 5 sleep deprived nights was worth it. She's joy. Have fun with Storm . I love the name ! x

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