Cut on dog's nose not healing

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by HORSEHEAVEN, Jan 9, 2020.


    HORSEHEAVEN Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Our 6-year-old Chocolate Lab got a small cut on his nose about 18 months ago. It healed most of the way, but he's very active and has lots of places to poke his nose. He also has many local friends and relatives to be active with. Every time he re-injures his nose, the cut or crack gets longer and deeper.

    We had our vet look at it a few months ago. He said it wasn't anything to worry about, gave us some gel to help moisten his nose, and said it would heal unless he injured it again.

    It's now to the point that it drips blood almost constantly. It is a deep crack from inside his nostril all the way over and back to the hairline. The water dish is often colored, and our house is starting to look like something from a slasher movie. He sometimes vomits from his stomach rejecting the amount he licks. Wherever he sleeps, he leaves a puddle/stain.

    Of course, our vet (of many years) retired at the end of December, so another vet visit is going to be a start-from-scratch, and the $200 bill from the last visit won't apply in the least. I would take him to a new vet immediately, but what would they be able to do? Would they put stitches in his nose? Would that prevent it from splitting again? Has anyone gotten through this?
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 9, 2020
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, and welcome to the forum. This definitely needs treating. I would go back to the vet and tell them how long this has been going on for. If it isn't resolved or massively improved within a couple of weeks I'd get a second opinion from another vet. And yes, it's possible that they will want to anaesthetise your dog and clean and stitch the wound. So if your dog is not insured, you'll likely need to dig into your wallet I'm afraid. Let us know how you get on

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