Hi First week with our new black lab puppy

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by EyeoftheStorm, Jan 9, 2020.

  1. EyeoftheStorm

    EyeoftheStorm Registered Users

    Jan 9, 2020
    Hi everyone completely new to this so I thought I would introduce myself. We have had Storm a week today and she is 10 weeks old. Storm was a Halloween puppy. We are based in the UK and Storm is our first puppy or dog. We spent a lot of time deciding which breed, which type, which colour and which breeder to go with and we couldn’t be happier with Storm. It’s been a chaotic week of course but she’s doing well. She rarely has accidents in the house now and has started to be more confident in the house. She sleeps from midnight to 6am and doesn’t wet her crate or cry. She can be rather rough with her play but once ignored she soon calms down again. Biting and chewing is a bit of an issue but we haven’t had anything destroyed yet or anyone missing a finger so I'm not too concerned. I figured she’ll get over this stage eventually. She’s getting much better at sit, down and come but doesn’t appear to know her name properly yet. I’m really looking forward to training. I have been amazed how much she sleeps. As well as her 6 hours at night she also naps a lot during the day. Looking forward to chatting to some of you and learning a lot about our furry friends. X
    Junopup likes this.
  2. David Poole

    David Poole Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2020

    I am based on the USA but am just over 8 days into our adventure with Sam, our Fox Red Lab. He seems pretty smart, I’m focusing mostly on house training at this point so that he isn’t as difficult for the wife while I’m at work. The biting has been an issue with us too and the warm winter western has given Sam fleas. Ugh. I was hoping we wouldn’t have to worry about that for a while. Welcome to the group.
  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi EyeOfTheStorm, welcome to the forum! New puppies are such a whirlwind, it sounds like you're making a lovely start together :)

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