Erythromycin for campylobacter & giardia

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Beccaspence91, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. Beccaspence91

    Beccaspence91 Registered Users

    Sep 15, 2019

    just wondered if anyone has any experience of their pup having Erythromycin?

    Cooper had giardia in Dec treated with Pancur and seemed to go away, then explosive bowel movements a few weeks ago, vet tested and hes got Giardia again and Campylobacter.

    Hes had 5 days of pancur for the giardia and was given antibiotics-Erythromycin for the Campylobacter. I thought he would start to show some signs of improvement bowel wise however the diarrhoea is still there and almost worse (yellow liquid or cowpat, constant squatting around the garden, needing to go in the middle of the night etc) Hes only been on the antibiotics for 2 days so is it too early to see improvements? or are the antibiotics making it worse?

    I called and asked at the vets, the receptionist said she would ask the vet and call me but hasn't got back to me. She suggested maybe a different antibiotic would be needed but they haven't called to say.

    I just wondered if anyone else had experienced this and it was normal?

    I feel awful for cooper as hes going to the loo constantly and is always straining as his poor tummy is clearly not right. Been giving him pro-kolin to try and help and hes on prescription food (both of which helped massively before but aren't now)

    Any advice would be appreciated.


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