Keeping a lab puppy clean

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by jocy&rocco, Jan 20, 2020.

  1. jocy&rocco

    jocy&rocco Registered Users

    Jan 14, 2020
    Hi everyone! I am new to the forum. And I’m posting in hopes of receiving some tips!

    I am a first time doggie owner. I have a lovely 5 month old black lab.

    We like to let him roam the back yard as he pleases throughout the day. He sometimes returns back inside the house a bit dirty.
    It is not the biggest inconvenience but it’d be great to hear of any advice on how to keep my doggo as clean as possible :)

    Also, how often is it ok to bathe him? When I asked the vet he said as often as necessary. Which didn’t really answer my question
    ive looked into doggy wipes. Any brand recommendation?
    Also, Is dry shampoo safe for his age? And if so, how often would you recommend using it.

    a huge thanks in advance & excited to be part of this awesome forum!
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    A very warm welcome to the forum!

    We've always been more of an old towel family than a doggy wipes one ;)

    If you are washing him a lot i'd steer clear of products unless it's something nasty and smelly. Water and a rub down suffice for most things :)

    You can find lots of tips on bathing and grooming Labs here, hope they're helpful!
    jocy&rocco likes this.
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Meg is 6 next month and has never had a bath. Washing destroys the natural oils in their coat and leads to more problems. The most she has ever had is a quick towel dry, occasionally. They have the most amazing self caring coat...minimal fuss, the odd brush and sorted. A welcome relief after owning 3 Newfoundland’s !
    Joy likes this.
  4. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    We also just towel them off when they come in muddy. After a while a good brushing will finish the job. Our dog(s) normally get about a bath a year, if that. They just don't normally need to be bathed.
    jocy&rocco likes this.
  5. Christopher

    Christopher Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2020
    I have two chocolate labs and they maybe get a bath after swimming in the pond or a rough muddy day of retrieving. Most of the time a couple small buckets of warm water and a small towel gets them clean. I also have a towel by the door coming into the house to wipe off muddy paws and under bellies. My older one is always itchy and irritated after baths so I use water less shampoo on them if they are dirty but with out giving a full on bath. It is easier on their skin the less you bath.
    jocy&rocco likes this.
  6. jocy&rocco

    jocy&rocco Registered Users

    Jan 14, 2020
    I've noticed dandruff the days following his bath. I think it really dries out his skin. I bathe his after I take him to the beach, but now I'm reconsidering just rinsing him with water. do you mind sharing what dry shampoo you use?:)
  7. Christopher

    Christopher Registered Users

    Jan 19, 2020
    I like the burts bees stuff but I do not have a specific brand that I favor.

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