New to this forum

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Harley, Feb 20, 2020.

  1. Harley

    Harley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2020
    Hi I’m new on this forum , and I’m so pleased to read that I’m not on my own . I have a 6 month old chocolate Labrador who is beautiful but he is awful when he jumps on the sofa and sometimes lands in your head , and bites you , I can cope with most things but it does get me down constantly being the one he pounces on . I do walk him , but he does wear a halti which he’s not keen on but it makes him walk beautifully , Any tips that anyone can give me on what to do with his biting and trying to get him calm would be really appreciated . Thank you
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Harley, welcome to the forum!

    It's tough age when they're still puppies at heart, but big enough to do some real harm when they land on top of you! There's a compliment somewhere in being the one he always goes for - it means you're the one he feels most comfortable and confident asking to play with him :)

    This article about excitable puppies on our main site might be of interest to you.

    Hang in there!
    Harley likes this.
  3. Harley

    Harley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2020

    Hi thank you for the link I will have a look . It so nice to have this as I thought it was just my dog, makes me feel better that I’m not in my own . He’s a lovely dog , and we are going to puppy classes starting soon , I’m just trying to walk out the room when he starts to jump and bite so fingers crossed this helps too .
  4. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi Harley and welcome. You are doing the right thing by ignoring him and leaving the room. We repeatedly stopped all play and attention when our choc lab pounced on us or bit us. It takes time and patience but will stop the behaviour soon
    Harley likes this.
  5. Harley

    Harley Registered Users

    Feb 20, 2020

    Hi Saffy/Isla thank you for replying . I’ll keep on doing it and hopefully it will work it’s worse at night when he’s tired , he can’t just switch off and go to sleep
  6. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Aww i know that feeling,they get over tired i think and then can't relax. Isla was at her most manic in the evenings. We used to sit one of us at each end of our hall and roll a ball between us or train recall between us,this tired her out! Keep up the good work, it will pay off soon
    Harley likes this.

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