Mixed Labrador

Discussion in 'Life With A Lab' started by Daz, Feb 26, 2020.

  1. Daz

    Daz Registered Users

    Feb 26, 2020
    Hi just wondering what the difference is between an English bulldog mix Labrador and an American pitbull terrier mix Labrador if known and also if known please if one of these breeds mates with an american bulldog what are the puppies are they bulladors or something else sorry for the long post I've been searching everywhere with no luck any help would be great thank you.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Daz, welcome to the forum!

    There's no simple answer to your question, except that there are no guarantees about any mix!

    Mixed breed dogs can inherit any mix of attributes from their parents - they can look like one and act like the other, or take on any combination of physical features and personality traits, or even take very heavily after just one parent in almost every respect. In this sense, mixed breeds are far less predictable than purebred dogs.

    We've actually written about American Bulldog Lab mixes here on our main site. And our sister site has an article about English Bulldog Lab mixes.

    If you decide a Labrador mix is the right dog for you, find a breeder who health tests both parents, and insist on meeting both parents before you commit to buying one of their puppies. If you would be happy to take either parent home as your own, then there's a good chance you'll be happy with however your puppy turns out!

    Good luck!

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