Billy Boy and Bruno saying hello.

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Mart, Feb 28, 2020.

  1. Mart

    Mart Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2020
    North UK
    Hi all, Billy and Bruno's dad saying hello.

    Have joined up looking for help and tips in order to help a very anxious boy but am happy to help others too if I can.

    Bruno's our blind boy who we rescued last year after he'd been dumped at the Dogs Trust because he'd lost his sight. His story is a sad one and I could cheerfully throttle some people, but it's worked out well for him because he's now here with us and is now a well adjusted and happy seven year old cuddle magnet.

    We lost our beautiful Black Dog Faye to a tumour in her neck just after New Year and I'm still utterly broken inside when I think about her. She'd been with us ten years, we rescued her after a swine of a man beat her nearly to death because she was a stubborn girl. The two dogs found with her had to be put to sleep as they been so badly beaten. It took seven months for Faye to physically recover and years of love to turn her into the slightly bossy mare that shouted at me for her tea.

    Faye's partner in crime was chocolate chip Cookie who came to us not long after Faye did, she'd been abandoned with a belly full of pups but turned out to be most placid and chilled out girl and super protective of Faye, even though they fought like deadly enemies when they first met. Cancer took Cookie from us two years ago.

    Billy has been with us a month and is four, he also came to us from the Dogs Trust and for the most part is a brilliant lad. But he's got problems as it seems his previous owners didn't really want dogs and kept him shut in a room for most of his life.

    Round the house, he's fantastic and is sprawled across my knee while I type this. He gets on great with Bruno and Bruno treats him like a favourite son, so long as you keep yer teeth off ma damn tennis ball sonny...

    We had to keep Billy indoors for the first month as he had no vaccination record so the vet restarted them, once we were able to take him out we very quickly realised that Billy has some anxiety issues which were putting down to his being kept shut in a room for most of his four years.

    He wants to go for walk, can't wait to get his harness on and either get in the car or set off down the Close, but within two minutes his anxiety is through the roof and he's pulling like a train and dashing in every direction and he's a very strong boy. If he see's another dog he goes ballistic crying and yelling and trying to get to it but not in a nasty way, he just wants to say hello and play but his behaviour worries and frightens other dog owners.

    I'm a biggish guy coming in at sixteen stone but he's nearly had me over a couple of times.

    And yet, even in the midst of his anxiety if I say "Billy, to me" he'll stop and come straight to my feet but as soon as we set off walking again he's straight back to pulling and dashing about.

    Once we're back to the car or home he's Mr Laid Back chilled out dog again. I know it's going to take time and lots of love and understanding but if any one has experienced similar behaviour I be very grateful to know how they dealt with it.

    Bruno's just informed me it's time for a dentistick so I better mush, cheers all.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Welcome to the site.
    What a fantastic person you are taking on lots of rescues.
    Sorry to hear about losing your beautiful dog so recently. We are dealing with Mast cell cancer at the moment so I know how devastating a cancer diagnosis is.
    Hopefully someone with more training experience will answer soon. I know with Toby food is always the easy way to distract and get his attention when out. Unfortunately since switching to a carb free diet that is dried sprats which stink like anything!
    Mart likes this.
  3. Mart

    Mart Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2020
    North UK

    Thanks JD :)

    There's two of us here, my mate and I have shared this place for 11 years or so now and care for the dogs between us. We like to give a home to dogs that need our help, it can be tough at times but is so rewarding.

    Got my fingers crossed for you, it was Mast Cell cancer that took Cookie, she was 12 and the cancer had gone deep into her right side, the vet said an operation to remove it would probably kill her so we kept her as comfortable and as happy as we could on medication. She was a fighter and as tough as old boots, munching her tablets when asked to and coming for her clean T-shirt every morning (stopped her licking her lump).

    Faye's was in her neck and started to restrict her windpipe, one afternoon she had a 'mini stroke' as the vet termed it and one side of her face drooped and well, you just know when it's time don't you ?

    It hurts like hell with any dog but it broke my bloomin heart with Faye, she was very special. Very demanding but so very very giving too. I sometimes wondered who'd rescued who...

    Anyway, I dug out some pics :)

    Cookie and Faye


    Cookie, Miss Posh Paws herself. She knew things but would never spill the beans.


    Faye waiting to open her presents, she knew what Xmas was all about.


    Blind Dog Bruno after he confiscated my Skyrim T-shirt which is now his comforter and it hangs above his bed so he can grab it when he needs to.


    Bruno down the beach, he loves it.


    Billy and Bruno on Billy's first day here, made himself right at home he did.


    And this now my little corner of the couch, the rest belongs to Labradors...

  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Ah fantastic.They look so happy and comfortable with you.
    We lost my black lab at 12 after a couple of months being off he was found to have lung cancer. Letting him go was the kindness thing to do when he stopped eating and had a look of panic about him. You know when it is the right time.So hard though.
    Toby bless him was diagnosed at 18months. Ear removal and chemo followed. He seems to be doing well but you never know. The diagnosis was grim.
    I have heard people with a blind dog putting a bell around the neck of their other dog to help guide it around.
    Maybe a one to one with a behaviourist will help with the walking.Is it different if you go somewhere out in the sticks with no other distractions. Maybe Billy needs time to get used to being outside somewhere remote then gradually introduce other dogs/noises/stimuli.
    Keep up the good work and let’s us know how it goes.
    Mart likes this.
  5. Mart

    Mart Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2020
    North UK

    Thanks JD :)

    Sorry about your black lab, you're right, it's so very difficult. And poor Toby, diagnosed at only 18 months, give him a Bonio and tell him it's from me.

    I've changed tack with Billy Boy and there may be light at the end of the tunnel. My first reactions to him pulling was everything you'd normally do to stop a dog pulling but all that just seemed to raise his anxiety even more.

    Last night I just braced up and just resisted his pull, not checking him or pulling him back etc and I jabbered away and encouraged him for the whole walk. By the time we were near home he was still pulling but nowhere near as hard and his shouting and yelling had stopped completely so we may be onto something.

    Time will tell I guess ;)
    J.D likes this.
  6. Saffy/isla

    Saffy/isla Registered Users

    Jun 1, 2018
    Hi there and welcome, what lovely people you are! I could feel the love for all your dogs, past and present, leaping of the page.

    It must be so rewarding to know you are helping each of them to feel safe and loved.

    So sorry for the loss of your girl. We lost our black lab two years ago and still miss her. It's an awful time. Your two boys will have to help by giving you lots of cuddles!
    Mart likes this.
  7. Mart

    Mart Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2020
    North UK

    Thanks Saffy :)

    Shhh, don't tell anyone we're lovely, I've been practicing the grumpy old man act for years now ;)

    I do find it very rewarding to take on rescues but struggle when I visit the centres, so many unwanted and poorly treated animals. Makes me very angry at times.

    Getting plenty cuddles from the doggo's. Billy's very affectionate but Bruno's a proper cuddle magnet, puts his paws over your shoulders and tucks his head into your neck. Great soft lump he is :)
    Saffy/isla and J.D like this.

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