What to expect and tips for labs first heat?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Lab Property, Feb 29, 2020.

  1. Lab Property

    Lab Property Registered Users

    Feb 29, 2020
    Hi. I am new to this forum so sorry for any repetitiveness. I know dogs are different but can people please help give some advice, as I want to be prepared. One concern I have is, how much blood is to be expected on the first heat? Any doggie pantaloon/diaper recommendations? How did you keep them on? What special thing comforted your girl during this time? I was thinking of getting her a new baby sis to accompany her while she is on quarantine from the dog park, but will this timing upset her even though she is very social and longs to be around other dogs? What age was her first heat? Any thing you want to share is appreciated.
    From Barbie and Millie Doggy Brown
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello, all dogs are different but in my experience it’s a bit of a non event. They get a bit quiet and not their usual bouncy selves. I have had 3 bitches, different breeds and not much blood to speak of. They tend to keep themselves clean with the odd drip. No diapers needed. I think that would have distressed her. I didn’t keep her in as such, just walked her on a lead in quiet places. Meg was about 8 months ish. All passed by easily. All my girls have been spayed after their first season.
  3. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    How much blood depends on the dog. There can be quite a bit or almost none, and the first heat may not be like subsequent heats as things are just getting started and not predictable yet...

    Personally, I don't use dog diapers - there is some thinking that they can increase the risk of pyo, since they provide a warm area of blood for bacteria to breed and they also stop the dog being able to clean herself naturally.

    I just keep the dog on wooden floors/ tiles etc and go round with a damp kleenex once a day to wipe up blood spots.

    I would not get another dog just to accompany your existing dog.... you have to want one for other reasons. And if you current dog is only approaching her first heat, then likely they will be too close together in age - I always recommend people wait for one dog to be at least 18-24 months before adding another.

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