Bewitching Hours

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by SullyBear, Apr 12, 2020.

  1. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    Up at 2:30am.
    Brought him potty.
    Back in the crate.
    Nope it was time to go!

    I did some training, puzzles and play time.
    He just settled 15 mins ago. Now I am going back to bed.

    Hopefully we can sleep in until 6!

    Wanting to minimize frustration this am.

    Others were telling me to sleep with him. He doesn't want to cuddle! He wants to eat and play!
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I’m a bit confused by this post. What time were you doing training etc?
    From another post you say you are in the lounge.
    Why don’t you try putting the crate in your bedroom with you. Go back to setting an alarm once or twice in the night and take him out to wee. There should be zero interaction at this time. Keep all lights off. No talking/playing/ giving Kongs etc x
    Edp likes this.
  3. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    I have tried but again I cannot have him barking that early am. For no reason. I live in an apartment. Last thing I need is a by law officer coming by. Again we did try. He was doing amazing. I did everything by the book carrying him out, potty, uneventful but even 30 second of 1-2 minute of barking can have a huge impact on an apartment living. I sleep in the livingroom on my couch as my room is at the moment an office. I don't live in a house. I do set my alarm for regular times to get up (before he stirs) I get up at midnight from him going to bed at 8pm. Then I get up at 2:30am let him out again. He has never messed in his crate in the entire time he has been in my home.

    Today I did train, did puzzles and gave him a kong to be able to go back to bed.
  4. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    Also the crate is huge. Please understand not everyone has unlimited space or room. I am doing with is available to me.
  5. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I think if due to your accommodation there can be no barking at all you will have a struggle to get your pup to settle independently. When he wakes as @J.D says there should be no interaction, but currently you are providing the opposite which may encourage him to wake or seek attention when awake. There is no easy sloution for you though, maybe you could get a smaller crate or box to have beside you at night.
  6. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    Which I did the first 2 weeks until he decided 3 days ago to start getting up that early in the am.
    He settles just fine during the day. Happily in the pen and happily in the crate. No issues.
  7. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    I will try to get him to bed later and hopefully that will get him to sleep later. Thanks for the suggestions
  8. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    I wish people would read my original post. I hadn't all along but this morning I did out of desperation. Maybe this forum really isn't for me. It was a one time thing.
  9. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    I really enjoy @pippa@labforumHQ books and LOVE her training I follow the books to a T. Today I had a setback due to physical health and with the apartment (not wanting to disturb the neighbors) I thought let's settle this down and come to the forum for support and honestly I felt even worse.

    The answers have been kind of condensing.

    I know it says to do an alarm, I have been. I know it says to be uneventful, I have been UP until today. I know. My couch is right next the crate. I know what I did this morning by engaging with him.

    I am mostly disappointed that some of the answers weren't very sensitive.

    I guess it isn't a safe place to really discuss issues.
  10. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Hey Sully,
    Luna always wanted interaction when she was up to the toilet. I tried setting alarms but when they went off she would just look at me and not even bother standing up. It was very much potty on her terms. I know this goes against all the books etc but she just wasn't for it. She always woke me up when she needed out (when she was too small to get on the sofa she would jump at the side and lick my face, if she was desperate she was sitting at the door giving a little cry to stir me, now shes in the bed she will come lick my face or lie over my back lol and at 37kgs this wakes you up!)

    Im not sure if you have seen the post I done when we had Luna for 17 weeks. It was about how we adapted to her, remember the books are great for ideas and help etc but every puppy is different and you can adapt to suit them and you to make it easier for you both.

    Luna is now 10 months and will settle on her own, happy to be left on her own and she will come to us when she wants you to play with her. She is an independent wee thing but at night loves nothing more than cuddling up on her blanket next to us on the sofa.

    You will find what suits you and Sully and it will help your bond grow even more.
    SullyBear likes this.
  11. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020
    I spoke to 2 close friends of mine. Both dog trainers and they asked me what changed in last 3 days. Then the one said, didn't he have his shots? I was like ofcourse! His shots were on Wednesday 6pm. Thursday he was extremely exhausted all day. Friday Saturday Sunday that is when he started barking during the mornings. We did the same thing lastnight bed by 8pm. We woke up at midnight to go potty, once again at 1:30 because he hadn't pooped. Then he slept in by 5:30 (absolutely no issues at all). He slept through. When I did take him out at 1:30 potty he barked maybe 5-8 times and settled and went to sleep. No issues. I feel like I totally missed that his shots could have been the culprit. I actually fed him tiny bit before he went to bed at 8pm - no accidents at all in his crate. He is alot calmer this morning. I am so relieved.
    Christina2807 likes this.
  12. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Great that you have found a reason for the change in behaviour.
    SullyBear likes this.
  13. SullyBear

    SullyBear Registered Users

    Apr 9, 2020

    Sully has been sleeping in last 2 days. 6:45am close to 7am. One word. Heaven! I am so happy. I am finally sleeping again. He has been settling awesome.

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