Shandyboy-A sad Story So Far,but it did get better.

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Shandyboy, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. Shandyboy

    Shandyboy Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2014
    Hello everybody.A few years have passed since I first sought help with my lab Shandyboy and all his issues. Well, after much love and care Shandyboy turned out to be the the most beautiful pal I had ever had. Once he realised he was protected and loved he settled down and lost all his problems.

    It just shows all he needed to know was he was safe, loved and there was no need to bite anybody.He and I were totally inseparable. We went swimming and walking in the forests. We used to take him up to the beach at Crail and he absolutely loved rolling around on the beach sand and would then charge into the water. As cold as it was I swam with him a few times.He would swim up to me for a few pats then swim off again.On his own mission. At night he would lie on the floor at the bottom of our bed and would always follow me through to the kitchen for his food.Then I would go turn the telly on and sit with my coffee.Very soon he would come around the corner and approach me for a good old bum scratch.

    At about 15H00 he would come sit right in front of me and tell me it was walk time. Down to the river for a swim, up through the forrest and he would sit with me while I took photos or read a book.

    Here is the power dogs have. You see, I suffer from PTSD from a number of years back in my life and it seems that the worst times for me is in the mornings. One morning I broke down totally,crying,shaking and not able to speak properly. Shandyboy kept putting his head on my lap and tried to talk to me. Eventually he actually called my wife out of the bed and she came through and helped me. I got through most mornings, with his help, a bum scratch and some loving and he would get me through.

    Sadly, Shandyboy passed away with a tumor on 8 July 2019. It was peaceful with no pain. To this day my heart is still broken into a million pieces. Right now I am crying my heart out like so many other days. Still I feel the pain so badly. I now get the PTSD pictures in the morning again. So, dont let anybody try and say dogs do not have some sort of power to heal us. I cant afford to buy another Lab but I take every opportunity to pat and love another dog whenever I can. My daughter in law has a smallish dog and when they visit I can make a fuss of her and I feel so much better. She is a lovely dog with a giant personality.

    Anyway folks, thanks for all your help in the beginning days of Shandyboy. Thanks for reading this lengthy post.I though it proper and decent to update you folks. Stay safe folks, lets try and follow Captain Toms example. Love John
    J.D likes this.
  2. TEE

    TEE Registered Users

    Jan 13, 2019
    John touching story. If you want and can handle another dog, I am sure there is a way to get one With the help of this forum. I certainly would offer to help.
  3. Shandyboy

    Shandyboy Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2014
    Hello Tee, your kind and very generous offer is appreciated greatly. I don't think I am over the grief of losing my best pal yet and it would be unfair to burden another lab with my problems. I'm hoping that soon I feel confident enough for another lab pal but need to wait a bit until I am sure. The other factor is we are planning to move house soon so I would not like to start off having a pal in one environment and then changing it so suddenly. It just would not be fair. I would however be most grateful if it would be OK with you for me to contact you at a later date. Stay safe and lots of love.......John
  4. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Sorry for your loss John. Glad you and Shandy boy had such happy times together
  5. Shandyboy

    Shandyboy Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2014
    We did. He was such a special friend to have and a privilege. There were so many difficult times but in the end there was more laughter and joy. I forget to mention, we managed to train him to wipe his feet when he came in from outside.I swear he would get onto the towel and go round and round a few times and then look at me as if to say "is that enough". I could go on for ever but its best not to. Take care and stay safe.......John
  6. Mandana77

    Mandana77 Registered Users

    Jun 20, 2020
    Awww. I’m so very sorry for your loss, but what a beautiful story. I’m so glad you had time with your pup and just think of how much you gave him during his life.
  7. Shandyboy

    Shandyboy Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2014
    Thanks Madana77. I used to feel so proud and fulfilled when I used to watch Shandy boy swimming with a stick or ball in his mouth.His face showed pure happiness and I was proud to be instrumental in showing him a new life. Everybody who saw him wanted to pat him but I couldnt be sure so I had to stop them. He never liked strangers touching him too much. I've got a lot of video of him but cant watch it as it still upsets me greatly. Next month he will be gone a year and I swear the pain is no easier.

    Anyway, thanks for your very kind words and stay safe.......John
  8. Samantha Sirimane

    Samantha Sirimane Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020
    Sorry for your loss. Glad that you both had such a close bond and helped each other through the hard times. I hope you will be able to find the same solace from a furry companion, with time.
  9. Shandyboy

    Shandyboy Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2014
    Hi Samantha, thanks four kindness. We have just sold our house and re planning to move down to the Scottish Borders. My wife and I have discussed at length about getting another dog from puppy stage once we have settled in and organised.We think this will be the best thing to do for me. So, if you know of any reputable breeders in this region I would appreciate any form of contact with them to discuss.Thanks again for your kindness,stay safe....John

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