Poo in crate at night

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by NIXD, May 2, 2020.

  1. NIXD

    NIXD Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2020
    Binks is 14 weeks / had been going outside at 11.30pm and clean crate at night until 5 for about 3 weeks. Now she has pooed in crate for 5 nights in a row (and doesn’t seem to care) so looks like it may be a habit now - any help?
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Saying “and doesn’t seem to care” is a strange comment. Do you mean you want her to look guilty when you come down in the morning. She will only do that if you are in the habit of telling her off for doing something wrong which shouldn’t be the way dogs are trained these days. Hours after the event she wouldn’t know why you are angry anyway.
    Try taking her for a walk 2 hours after her last meal which should help her eliminate enough food to last through the night.
    Have you changed what you are feeding(even treats wise)? Some foods pass through the system quicker than others.
    Thoroughly clean and disinfect the crate to remove any trace of odour.
    Others may have further suggestions.
  3. Abi_xox

    Abi_xox Registered Users

    Apr 6, 2020
    I would try walking her a couple of hours after she has eaten as J.D said and walk her again just before you go to bed. Then be sure to walk her first thing in the morning. If she is a puppy she will only have a tiny bladder so will struggle to hold things in as long as an adult dog so make sure she isn't having to hold it any longer than 7 hours.
    Also thoroughly clean the crate with a biological cleaner as non bio won't remove the entire scent.
    Finally be sure to treat her and give her lots of praise when she decaffeinates outside.
    Don't tell her off if you find a poo in the crate in the morning but take her straight for a walk and clean up the poo in the crate.
    Hope this helps

    Could I just ask what time(s) you feed and walk her as then maybe I could give some more advice depending on that. x
  4. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I would put her crate by your bed and set your alarm to go off much earlier than 5am - like 3am. You need to get to her and take her out before this has happened, to break the habit. Once you're successful at that for several nights in a row, then make it 30mins later (3.30am) for a few nights... and so on.

    One reason to keep the crate by your bed is so you start to hear when she becomes distressed. If she is shut somewhere else away, then you won't hear - and she will poop in the crate again. Another reason is that dogs sometimes poop when they are stressed or (puppies) feel abandoned and alone - which is scary, for a new puppy. Keeping her by your bed will ensure she doesn't feel alone and feels more secure. You can then transition back to where the crate used to be, once you've fixed the pooping.
  5. NIXD

    NIXD Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2020
    I say ‘doesn’t seem to care’ because the books suggest that they don’t like sleeping in their own poop, and want to keep that area clean - but it doesn’t look like she is too bothered by that as she has it all over her bedding. Last feed is at 5 - she is having a walk and pooing outside about 6 ish and then again at about 11 ish. It just seemed strange as she used to go from about 11.30 - 5 .. but now she is pooing every night in the crate (without barking or crying/whining) so seems more like a habit? (And then eating some)
  6. NIXD

    NIXD Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2020
  7. NIXD

    NIXD Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2020
    Thanks for the reply, I have been feeding at 5, walking at 6 and taking out again at about 11/11.30. Some books suggested the crate too big so I tried making it smaller last night, but she still did the same thing (but with more mess as she hadn’t enough space for her do on the other side of crate to sleeping
  8. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    As above.

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