
Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Finnthelabpup, May 10, 2020.

  1. Finnthelabpup

    Finnthelabpup Registered Users

    May 10, 2020
    I have a 6 month male lab pup who is limping on both forelimbs, no known trauma or injury. Breeder says panosteitis but x-rays are normal. Meanwhile, my poor pup has been on carprofen and restricted exercise for 2 weeks with little improvement. Is it pano? Have any of you had experience with pano? Already have spent 2500$ on x rays and vet bills, with no diagnosis. Next step is orthopedic surgeon consult and possible advanced imaging. but does this make sense without a known trauma or injury? He has been tested for Lyme disease. any insight appreciated!
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Hi there, I am so sorry to hear your puppy is limping. I can't help you I'm afraid but just wanted to say I hope you get a diagnosis and effective treatment soon.
  3. Emma W.

    Emma W. Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2019
    Hi there -
    My lab was limping at 6 months. We did x rays and it turns out he had a hair line fracture that required 2 weeks strict rest. He seemed fine after that but limped again at around 10-11 months. Our vet was convinced it was pano, especially since it was after a big growth spurt. The x rays never showed anything so there wasn’t any conclusive evidence but she said labs are the poster child for it. Our lab is now 18 months and he has not limped since a few stints at 10-11 months old so I have to think it was pano. I thought the same thing you did and almost went to a specialist but it resolved on its own. I also think 6 month pups exercise incredibly hard with often no regard for the rest of their body. My 6 month old was the clumsiest guy and I have to wonder if he just kept landing wrong on his foot, etc. Does the limping start after exercise or is it relatively constant? I know it’s hard to see them in pain without having an easy diagnosis so I feel for you and hope it gets resolved soon.

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