Advice on getting a Lab

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Swagato Chakraborty, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. Swagato Chakraborty

    Swagato Chakraborty Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2020
    Hello all,

    We are looking forward to getting our first pet and my 7 years old son has his heart set on getting a Labrador puppy. Wanted to get some thoughts on whether it is manageable for us .

    We are both work full time. We can manage to work from home in a staggered way to minimize long alone time for the dog for a year or so. But generally, how long can labs stay in the house by themselves with sufficient toys etc. ?

    We can do half hour of walk / run in the morning with the dog and one hour of outside play after work. Plus we can go for some outdoor activities in the weekend. Is that generally sufficient exercise for the dog as they grow up ?

    Looking for some advice if getting a Labrador is practical for us, or we should look for some other breeds with less energy level and more independent .

    Thanks for any advice.

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