Small Puppies

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Cuarls, Jun 25, 2020.

  1. Cuarls

    Cuarls Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2020
    We reserved a Lab puppy 8 weeks ago from a breeder. We was meant to be collecting this week. I got a message from the breeder who has been advised from the vet to hold her for another few weeks until her second vaccine due to her size. The vet has said that it shouldn’t won’t be an issue but it’s just precautionary so they can check her over again she is still happy and playful like all her other siblings. Should I be worried? We are still going to view her over the weekend just to see for ourselves now lockdown has been lifted. Anything I should be looking for? I know there is a range for weight and not all will be the same size but how can I tell if it’s for being unhealthy not just small for her age?
  2. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    That sounds a bit strange to me as the puppy won't be feeding from her mum anymore and will be the only pup left.

    Are you able to keep using the same vet if you collect her this week?
    If left with her mum it could cause her more distress when she moves in as she will be used to just her and her mum. Also socialisation in the 8-12 week period is crucial.

    Maybe call the vets and ask why they think she should stay until the second vaccines.
  3. Cuarls

    Cuarls Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2020

    We are unfortunately about an hours drive from where the breeder lives so won’t be able to use the same vets. We have a great vet near us which I have already registered her with and was booking her in to be seen. (This was before we found out about this)
    I was going to get the vets details when we went over the weekend and try speaking to them to see if there is potentially more to it. The reason behind visiting was to try and get the full details and see if we are missing something.

    We was told she was smaller when we reserved her and looking at the pics we was sent when she was first born you can see she is on the smaller size but we just put it down to her being the runt of the litter.

    The socialisation was something I was Also worried about. I have booked 2 weeks off to spend with her working on this (along with other things) so slightly worried it could cause some issues.

    This will be our first dog after years of planning so I don’t want to jump into the wrong thing at the same time she feels part of the family already.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    That is unusual, regardless of potential heath issues I would want my puppy at that age to start socialising. You will miss a big window for that if you wait until next vaccines at about 12 weeks. I doubt the breeder would socialise like you would. I think I would walk away, sadly.
  5. Cuarls

    Cuarls Registered Users

    Jun 25, 2020
    Thank you. Unfortunately I think that is what I am leaning towards. I am worried it may do some harm to her socialisation wise if we wait longer regardless of if she is healthy or not.
  6. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Cooper was a small pup, 5.6# at 7 weeks, but no one suggested she was too small to go home. She grew very fast ended up being a big Lab. I would be concerned if if the vet did not want your pup to go home yet.
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hard decision but that would be my feeling. You are with your dog for so many years, its important to get it right from the start. Also your breeder is being very vague, I am not sure I would be comfortable making such an important decision on that level of detail.
  8. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    I completely can sympathise with being part of the family already but as EDP says you will have this amazing companion for many years and its only fair on them and you that they get the best start in life.

    Walking await will be so hard but if you end up with an anxious or nervous dog then you will always think what if
    Edp likes this.

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