Crate Training and Potty Training Query

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Samantha Sirimane, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. Samantha Sirimane

    Samantha Sirimane Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020
    Our Choc lab is now 14 weeks old, and has been crate trained from when he arrived at our place in May. He has taken to it like a duck to water, we had no issues his first night and it continues. We currently move the crate between the bedroom (where he sleeps, with us) and the living room ( where it remains till bed time). My partner was wondering if we should just get another crate for the living room (rather than move the current one around), and just move the bedding between the two. Has anyone used more that crate with success, or has it hot to be just the one?

    Also, with potty training, he gets put to bed in his crate at around 10.30/10.45pm at night and has spent almost the entire night in there in the last week or so, without needing to be let out. In fact he can stay till 5.00-5.30am without wetting the bedding ( I check each morning) or whining. Whilst this is great, I’ve ready that puppies have bladder control up to an hour for each month of their age. So whist Rolo, seems to be doing really well with longer hours, is this safe/healthy?
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I think dogs are usually pretty adaptable. Meg has a bed where she sleeps at night and another one in the living room. She settles easily on both. At 14 weeks their bladders are maturing and you should expect a good night with an early start. So your pup is spot on , I would think.
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