Terrified of my unpredictable puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Aisha, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Aisha

    Aisha Registered Users

    Jul 24, 2020
    My lab is 4 months old and has been extremely aggressive for a bit over a month. She was very mouthy as a young puppy and I knew it was normal so I thought nothing of it however recently she has gone way passed this and been attacking my whole family. I’m so afraid that she might have permanent behaviour issues and this isn’t just a part of her being young.

    At any random moment she will just attack. This includes growling, showing teeth, lunging, grabbing onto us and not letting go. She’s broken skin badly for all of us many many many times and honestly we all feel uneasy at night because one move can set her off. She can be loving at times but 99% of the time we are on edge.

    has anyone else had this kind of experience? I’m so upset. I grew up with dogs and always thought of them as my best friend, but now I’m terrified when my puppy is full grown that she will badly hurt my parents as she’ll be living with them and they’re now in their 60s.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello and welcome, if you have a read of some old threads on here and there is one specifically for biting puppies you will realise you are not alone and it is pretty normal for a lab pup of her age. They are fondly known as crocpups ! It is a normal developmental stage and they do grow put of it. I have had other breeds and my lab was the most bitey of them all. She did everything you describe and the only thing that got us through it was distraction. I gave her loads to keep her teeth busy, cardboard boxes, frozen kongs, frozen carrots, more boxes etc...she started to grow out of it when her teeth came through round about 4 to 5 months. She is now the best breed and sweetest dog you could wish for. Hang in there and have a read and it will pass.

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