Puppy training - how do we know we are doing good?!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lady Maybelline, Aug 1, 2020.

  1. Lady Maybelline

    Lady Maybelline Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2020
    We brought Lady Maybelline home July 22 so she has been home for a little over a week now. She is a 12 week old Chocolate Lab and she is so good. I am working from home so she is with me most of the day. If I have a meeting I take her outside for potty and play then she goes in the crate which she seems fine with. I haven't left her completely alone in the crate yet. Yesterday we had no accidents in the house and the 2 days before she had accidents right by the back door so I figure she knew she should go out!? I am just feeling anxious that I'm "doing everything right". Here is what we've been doing

    Walks- she is pretty good on her harness and leash. She stays right by my legs and I'm trying hard to keep her on the left side. She gets periodic treats and when we approach a street we sit-get treat-wait-treat, treat, treat while we are waiting. If she gets up from her sit we sit again-get treat and wait - treat, treat, treat. When she's waited a bit and cars have gone past we say Lady, come walk across the street and get a treat. I think this is OK? When my fiance and I take her for walks we have her walk on the left of whoever has her leash. So if fiance is walking her she will be on his laft side, but I will be on her right side. I'm not sure if this is confusing bc when I take her solo she is on my left but when we take her together she is typically on my right. Should she always be on my left regardless of who has the leash? How do we walk as a couple?

    Her name--she seems pretty good. I think I'm proofing her I'm calling her name close by and giving her a treat when she looks at me. Then I'll take skme steps back and keep doing it. We do this inside good with green beans. In the backyard sometimes she is good with looking sometimes not. I use her kibble or a treat when outside. If she doesn't respond what do I do? I don't want to keep calling her name. I have been just taking a few seconds switching my position get a little closer and try again. Is this correct?

    Come- she is pretty good, sometimes she just comes running when I call her name. Sometimes she completely ignores me and chews on the leaf or vine. I will normally get close to her and try the attention with her name. Sometimes I remove the distraction and try again.

    Sit- she seems pretty good at sit. When we are on our walk or are really diatracted we can normally get her to refocus on sit.

    Puppy treat challenge- I just watched the video and tried this morning using kibble after breakfast and she did pretty good. I'm going to try and take a video and post.

    Relaxing/us eating - we eat in the living room which isn't a great habit, but it is what it is. We have her sit/lay in her spot and we give her treats while she stays there. If she gets up or puts her paws on the couch I just look at her till she's down in her sit and give her a treat. I'm assuming this is good.

    Basically I hope I'm doing OK. I'm also having some trouble getting fiance to not push her off the couch, tug at her on walks, repeat her name or command multiple times. I guess that is more my worry and anxiety. How to get him to understand and participate in positive training. He had a chocolate lab like 15/20 years ago and it sounds like she wasn't that good running to neighbors houses constantly begging for food all over the neighborhood. I will not tolerate that plus we live on Main st she needs to be behaved for her safety. I just really want a well behaved dog, no begging for food, listens to her name and commands, walks well, no jumping on strangers. He isn't interested in reading or watching videos he just keeps telling me to show him, but he also like never listens to what I tell him unless someone else reinforces what I've already said. So basically nothing about Lab puppies more about new dog owners working on their relationship I guess...

    Thanks to anyone who read. We signed up for puppy training classes at the pet store so hopefully that will be good and he will hear from someone else what to do. Fingers crossed.
  2. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    It sounds like you're doing great. I can't help with the fiance problem I'm afraid - but some people just 'get' dog training more than others.

    If he's not going to get it, it is probably best to try to cut him out of dog-stuff all together. This does mean more work for you, as you'll be doing it all...

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