Hello all. Meet Lady Maybelline

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Lady Maybelline, Aug 2, 2020.

  1. Lady Maybelline

    Lady Maybelline Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2020
    Lady Maybelline is our 12 week old chocolate lab. We brought her home 1.5 weeks ago and we have been having so much fun! She is doing good with house training. She comes most times when calling her name and "come", the neighbors vine that grows through our fence is a big distraction so we are working on her giving me attention when around the vine.

    She walks good on her leash and for the most part stays on my left side. We are working on sitting and waiting at cross walks sometimes she will stop without me saying her sit queue.

    We have been having a lot of fun learning food manners! She really really loves this training game and I hope I'm doing it correctly. We also are working on sitting at the door when leaving and coming in and most times she will go right into sit when we are at the door.

    She has been really good with our cat once we learned more what to do. She gets some kibble treat when she ignores the cat and when she approaches slowly. If the cat is cornered I call Lady to come and she does! Then the cat can run away.

    I haven't been utilizing the crate too much bc I'm working from home but she goes into it fine at night and the few times she's been in while I've had a meeting she's been fine. I think I'm going to start putting her in a little more while I'm home. It's hard bc I love her sleeping by my feet, but I want her to be used to the crate also.

    She is jumping when meeting strangers. As her owners we need to work on telling strangers how to behave and only say hello when all 4 paws are on the floor. I feel weird telling adults what to do, but she is our pet so to bad for everyone else.

    I am so in love!! Slightly overwhelmed but having sooooo much fun!! Just a fear of doing things "wrong". It's also tough bc a family member is living with us and likes to say no a lot and isn't really into the getting treats for doing good.

    I was nervous about over feeding her, but I portioned out a couple of days with of food and have been using the kibble to train as well as some training treats and green beans. I think I understand the different levels of treats.

    I'll try to add some pictures once I figure out how! So far this site has been so helpful and my number 1 resource. Thank you everyone!
    Digs Mom likes this.
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Lady Maybelline, welcome to the forum :)

    It sound like you're getting off to a wonderful start!

    You can share photos with us using a photo sharing website such as Photobucket or Flickr, or by signing up as a forum supporter for £10 per year, which also enables you to upload photos directly to this site.

    We're looking forward to following your progress!
  3. Digs Mom

    Digs Mom Registered Users

    Jul 21, 2020
    Northern Virginia
    Sounds like things are moving along well for you.
    You are a caring responsible Lab Momma.


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