Hello I’m a first time lab mum

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Claire Louise, Aug 14, 2020.

  1. Claire Louise

    Claire Louise Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2020
    Our new little lady pup will be joining our family in 3 weeks and I would love to know tips and advice for the first few weeks! what do you wish you had known when you brought them home for the first time?
    Thank you! X
  2. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Exciting times! Welcome to the forum!
  3. Caroline 64

    Caroline 64 Registered Users

    Aug 21, 2020
    Hi Claire. We brought home our 8 week old lab pup 10 days ago and it has been a whirlwind! Great fun but I had not anticipated how relentless it would be. I am following the house training regime in the The Happy Puppy Handbook which is really working but is very tiring and all-consuming as it involves going outside every 30 minutes to start and getting up in the night. It has however paid off as I now have a 9 week old puppy that is totally clean in her crate and has had only a few accidents in the house in 10 days. It helps if you can put everything else on hold for the first few weeks. I am lucky as my kids are grown up so imagine this would be trickier with small children. I have had moments of wondering what on earth I have done (and I have always had dogs before - just never a puppy) but I can already see it will get easier. Also, I was not prepared for the biting - I invested in a pair of sturdy 'granny' slippers that protected my ankles making it easier to ignore and train her out of it (still working on that one!). Good luck!
  4. Claire Louise

    Claire Louise Registered Users

    Aug 14, 2020
    Thank you! Great advice!

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