Flat Coated Lab?

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by Giselle, Jul 25, 2020.

  1. Giselle

    Giselle Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2018
    Hi All!

    My black female lab and yellow male lab have just recently had their first litter! They are now 5 weeks now today and I’ve noticed a few of the puppies are extremely “fluffy”. Their coats do not resemble their parents shirt coats. I have done some research and have found there is a recessive gene which if found in both parents can produce “flat coated Labradors”. Has anyone else had a pup so fluffy that later changes into a traditional Labrador coat? Any help will be appreciated! [​IMG]
    Edp likes this.
  2. Giselle

    Giselle Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2018
    Here are pictures of mom & dad!


    Deboragh and Edp like this.
  3. Giselle

    Giselle Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2018
    And here pictures of some of the other litter mates:





    Deboragh and Edp like this.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I have no advice other than what gorgeous puppies, made me quite broody. They are adorable.
    Giselle likes this.
  5. Giselle

    Giselle Registered Users

    Oct 13, 2018

    THANK YOU @Edp ! They are truly the most wonderful thing to wake up to!
    Edp likes this.
  6. Berna

    Berna Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2014
    By looking at the puppies' parents, this smells like a backyard breeder to me. Is the breeder registered? Does he show his dogs? Any reason he bred this particular pair? (hunting abilities, etc?)
  7. Lendry

    Lendry Registered Users

    Aug 20, 2020
    I have a flat coat, but I don't know how sensible he is TBH...haha.

    He is very intelligent but with that comes the fact that if he gets bored with what we are learning or thinks he doesn't need to do it or the payoff isn't that great, he will tell me to jam it and wander off. Still super focused on pleasing people but does not suffer fools, which unfortunately I often am.

    At the same time as being very clever I've seen him do some dumb dumb things. He has no road sense or sense of self preservation, he is prone to swimming until he drops and will take off at the mere smell of water, which always worries me and he is a shithead with other dogs in the most loving way possible. Not good at taking subtle or not so subtle hints that some might not be interested in his special (very exuberant) greetings and always surprised when they snap at him or tell him to bugger off. I choose his playmates carefully now, huskies and border collies seem most commonly uninterested in being licked and loved up.

    He is almost 3 now and getting less interested in playing with other dogs, but when one takes his fancy he still approaches with his tongue and whole back end wagging, he does have a good recall but we worked very very hard on that, some are more headstrong and determined than others, Gus is pretty soft and forgiving.

    The exuberance isn't reserved just for dogs either, he licks people. Has been known to get the backs of your knees when you're not paying attention, he also wags his whole back end and a few FC people have given up on coffee tables, we have lost a lot of glasses and the tail thwacking against the wall near the bed when he needs a wee at 4am is the worst sound, haha. We have all copped a big thick skull to the head/groin before and teaching him not to jump is a constant thing. Give an inch and he will take a mile.

    That is the other thing, he licks. They all lick. We have FC days out every year and everyone gets licked by everyone's dogs, if that bugs you I would honestly say look elsewhere, it can be trained out but I've never met one that didn't have a sneaky tongue.

    Around the house he is awesome, he spends a lot of his day asleep but he is always where you are. I don't think he would cope being an outside dog although he does also shed a lot too.

    I haven't been to the loo alone in ooooh almost 3 years... he sleeps on your feet, or next to you on the couch/bed. We have a 5mth old baby and I often find him asleep on baby's rug in his room or when he wakes up licking his feet through the cot end while the baby giggles. He instantly adored the baby and for that reason I don't know if I will ever be without one, he loves everyone and everything (I've seen him approach a dropped sandwich with his tail/back end wagging)

    The only thing I would point out is that just because they can be so chilled around the house does not mean they do not need a loooot of exercise, they can run on very little but ideally a really good outing every day with a decent training session and in a perfect world a swim. Sounds great in Summer but wet dog in winter is hard and it wears thin pretty quick, especially if you have an inside dog.

    While forgiving they do act out when bored, as does every dog, but being slower to mature (I know a few still waiting for maturity at 8) there is so much mischief. Common complaints from other owners off the top of my head are counter surfing, digging, destroying hoses and pot plants, washing off the line, uprooting little trees and plants and lord knows mine still don't have an outside bed because they all get eaten. Even when they're stimulated enough I think there is just a cheeky streak that is always out for fun.

    Another thing to consider is the reduced lifespan and potential illnesses, while the small set of AU breeders are doing all they can the cancer risk is real and it does happen a bit. I guess it's just a risk you run for all the good stuff.

    I don't know much about labs but if you have any questions yell out, you're welcome to tag along for a beach trip one day with us if you're interested to meet one!

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