E Collar Training

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by David Poole, Sep 15, 2020.

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  1. David Poole

    David Poole Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2020
    Can anyone recommend any good training videos for e collar training? Sam’s e collar comes tomorrow and I don’t want to just slap it on and start zapping him. Our leash training has stalled. He does well off leash and listens fairly well to me when we are alone, however, he just loses it when other dogs show up. Endless barking and pulling.

    watching some videos by Garmin the trainer indicated that some dogs just don’t respond effectively to the leash but often respond to the e collar. Sam is pretty hard headed and gets very laser focused on new people and dogs so I need a more effective way to reach him. I was curious what other people have found effective.

    I take no pleasure in zapping him and am hoping that the gentle, lower level stimulation will be all that’s required to get him to respond.

  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
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  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi David,

    We've got an article about shock collars on our main site which might be of interest to you. It's written by a professional trainer, and it's extensively researched.

    More recently, a new piece of research published in July this year found that dogs taught recall using a shock collar had a less reliable recall response, and took longer to respond to their recall cue, than dogs trained using positive reinforcement. You can see a summary of that research here.

    So in short, as previous posters have noted, we're not fans here at HQ. Not only do they hurt our dogs, but the means doesn't even justify the ends, because the results they achieve are worse than could be achieved without them.

    The manufacturers do a compelling job of suggesting otherwise though, which is while I'm glad to see more countries moving to ban them!
    Edp likes this.
  4. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    Hello David, they have been made illegal by the Welsh government here in the UK for many years and carry a prison sentence or very large fine. It is due to the suffering they can cause.
    Joy and Edp like this.
  5. David Poole

    David Poole Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2020
    I appreciate the input and I’ve done a ton of research. Nearly every person and trainer I’ve spoken to over here has unanimously agreed that the e collar is the way to go. They disagree on the proper use of the collar with done preferring to use only the tone and vibration features, some using only the lowest settings to simulate the leash pressure, and some preferring to use stronger static to correct unwanted behavior.

    For every article I find saying they are cruel I can find an article saying they are great and humane. It gets confusing.
  6. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi again David,

    I agree that there is a lot of conflicting information out there.

    However, the negative consequences of punishment-based training are not simply our opinion, they are facts.

    That e-collars are physically and emotionally harmful to dogs, and ineffective as training aids, has been borne out by the experience of veterinarians, and by researchers who have conducted rigorous, controlled, and impartial studies of them in action.

    Promoting punishment based training is against the rules of this forum, so I'm going to close this thread to further replies now.

    Best wishes,

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