Animal trap injury

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Samandstansmummy, Sep 17, 2020.

  1. Samandstansmummy

    Samandstansmummy Registered Users

    Aug 21, 2020
    Hi all we go to a lovely secluded Park every Sunday with sam our 3 year old lab and our son 1.
    Sam gets to run wild and plenty space for Stan to crawl a d learn to walk.
    Last Sunday was like any other Sunday packed snacks juice and Sam's water.
    We arrived I sat in our spot me and Stan played then Sam came back with partner he said I heard metal clamping sound but Sam seemed fine until I seen him obsessively liking his back leg.
    I had look a d my hand was covered in blood.
    We washed it to check damage and then called vet told us wrap it and he will meet us at vets.
    I wrapped it in a nappy cause I stupidly removed first aid kid week before a d never put it back.
    We arrived at vets told to go home but couldn't face it so we stayed outside vets got call back.
    Sam had most definetly been injured by some type off trap or a homemade barbed wire one.
    He severed tendon and has damaged bone he has dissolvable stitches a d his wound is about 7 inches long down back lower leg.
    We are at vets every 2 days for dressing changes.
    He's my baby and I'm angry something preventable happened to him.
    I have contacted RSPCA who are investigating it.
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    How terrible, your poor dog and how traumatic for your all. I really hope he heals up fast. Have you also notified the police ? Here in North Yorkshire the Rural Crime Team would investigate that for sure.
    Simbabear likes this.
  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    What an upsetting thing to happen! I'm so sorry to hear it. I hope Sam is fully recovered soon x
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I've had some nasty injuries with my dogs. One cut her foot on broken glass in some bushes. The worse was a piece of flint which cut an artery and resulted in the dog needing a blood transfusion. Oddly, I had a spaniel come hopping back to me on the moors with a fenn trap attached to his foot- no injury at all! I think it must have been an old one as the spring must have been too weak to cause damage.
    My point is that dogs can injure themselves on all sorts of things so I wouldn't necessarily think that it was a trap that cut your dog. Could you check the area for pieces of discarded metal or similar?
    I hope he is better soon.

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