Help!! Vets are stumped!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by DHampton, Sep 21, 2020.

  1. DHampton

    DHampton Registered Users

    Sep 21, 2020
    Hello everyone!. I am writing this post in hopes someone will have experienced the same issue I am having and can give me some tips on what to do. I am a nurse practitioner and have some medical knowledge but dogs are not my specialty lol.

    2 Y/O male Silver lab. At around age one I noticed he had a dime size area of skin missing on his RT elbow. On closer inspection it was a firm fluid filled nodule. I thought it would go away. After about 6 months it had not gone away and I noticed more of them on that elbow and now on the other elbow as well. The tops of the nodules had some flaky skin, and if squeezed the nodules had a clear slightly bloody fluid that same out ( not pus) Took him to the vet they gave antibiotics and steroids. It helped but the original nodule never went away. The next thing I know these bumps have spread ALL over his body and they had became infected. Took him to the vet again and another course of steroids and antibiotics. Same scenario the original nodule did not go away.. 4 months later the same scenario again. This time the treatment was a different antibiotic. A few months same thing again. I insisted they biopsy the lesions which they did ( but they did not biopsy the original nodule). Histology results came back clear. He is doing ok now but has about 7 of those nodules on each elbow. The vet said to keep him on Apoquel for a few months and the next step would be a derm consult as it could be autoimmune. Also he was tested for hypothyroidism and it was negative. I also used two separate vets for consults. Basically its a mystery as to what he has. My instincts tell me the original nodule is the source of all the infection and it needs to be lanced and cleaned. The vets don’t think that is important. I would appreciate any thoughts on this issue. The last time the lesions were all over his body he was miserable and I am honestly thinking I may have to put him down if this continues as he cannot constantly be on meds.. also it has cost me over 2 K so far.. help!!!
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Well coming from the view point of someone whose dog at 18months had skin cancer/ear removal and chemo I had sympathy for you until the last sentence. I cannot imagine a vet would agree to putting a young dog to sleep because of skin and financial issues.
    I would think your dog needs to see a specialist dermatologist and if you cannot afford to do that see if you can find a charity that will take over your dog’s welfare.
    Edp likes this.
  3. ruthie

    ruthie Registered Users

    Jul 23, 2020
    can you post a photo?

    You say he had a dime sized piece of skin missing?
    Do you mean fur missing? Is there fur missing anywhere?
  4. DHampton

    DHampton Registered Users

    Sep 21, 2020
    You misunderstood. I would spend any amount of money. He is my child. The money is not the issue. The rationale for euthanasia would be if he were constantly suffering. His entire body is covered in painful sores if he is not taking steroids and antibiotics. And if can’t stay on those forever because doing that would kill him. I’m very disappointed that this is the first time I have ever posted and I get a condescending response. I had hopes this would be a good place to communicate with other dog owners.
  5. DHampton

    DHampton Registered Users

    Sep 21, 2020
    Yes I meant fur. I think of him as human.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Sadly Labradors are somewhat prone to skin problems, and it does sound as though the next best step would be to consult with a dermatologist. Long term conditions for dogs that are not insured are just a nightmare, and I do sympathise. Plus this is clearly no fun for your dog. In the UK there are charities that will help out for families that cannot afford vets fees but I'm not sure what the situation is currently in the USA.

    In general terms I think that the problem with veterinary fees for long term conditions is a very complex one. Often the dilemma is not that the family can't afford the treatment, they can and do fork out what's required, but that the drain on their finances causes great hardship and distress, and can drag on and on.

    I do think in your case it is worth paying at least for a consult with a dermatologist. They may be able to give you more options.
    DHampton and Sukhpreet Aujla like this.
  7. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Unfortunately you put having him put down and money in the same sentence so this was the conclusion I came to.There was nothing condescending about my comment I was just shocked. If money is no issue then a dermatologist is the way forward as they have the specialist skills to get a diagnosis. Vets are like GPS they have a little knowledge about a lot.
    Hopefully you can get to the bottom of the problem and your dog can have a comfortable future.
  8. ruthie

    ruthie Registered Users

    Jul 23, 2020
    i know that i am banging on about this but i have been so shocked at such poor vet treatment for my dog and was also thinking of Euthanasia as a kindness
    - So - i would ask if you have used vet strength flee tick mite treatment such as Bravecto - for the sake of £40 you can put your mind at rest that it is not one of these issues -

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