House Training 3 Year Old Labrador

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Terri norris, Sep 22, 2020.

  1. Terri norris

    Terri norris Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018
    Hi I have had dogs all my life and never had this problem before. I have a three year old lab bitch. She is clean during the day. Though I do have to keep my eye on her for signs that she wants to go out. She sits by the back door or may occasionally come and put her head on my lap. She never barks. I have tried putting bells by the door but no luck. However I digress. The main problem is she will go for weeks being clean then have an accident during the night.She rarely wets it’s only poo. It’s usually a ‘one off’ However it’s now been three days on the trot. I feed her at four as I try to give it a chance to go through her.i have tried feeding at various times and that seems to work best.I have also tried waiting until she has done her business but that’s not really feasible as I have to be up at six.i Don’t give her too many treats. I feed her perina (spelling) light for sensitive stomachs. I am reluctant to leave her evening walk to late as I am elderly and nervous of being out too late.Any suggestion or will I have to live with this?
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Is she crate trained? I'd pop her in her crate at night to break the habit.
  3. Terri norris

    Terri norris Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018
    She’s never been in a crate. My latest idea is to stop giving her a dentastix in the evening. I intend to give her a tasty treat in the morning when she is clean.She is food driven so it may help. I do have a small square I could partition off. Similar size to a crate. She normally has the run of downstairs. She normally sleeps on the settee. She does always go right by the back door. So that would probably work
  4. Terri norris

    Terri norris Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2018
    Btw thanks for the reply.

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