hello, I am new to the forum. We have a 13 month old female lab, Bess. We haven't yet seen any sign of a season. With our previous lab, this was very visible, so we know what to look for. Bess had her check-up last week at the vet, who said she has probably had a 'silent' season and could be done at any time. We have a new puppy, a boy, joining us at the end of October, who we are told will be sexually active within three months of us getting him. I would really welcome advice of when to get Bess done. Do I wait for a visible next season and then book her in for three months from then? Or do I get her done now when I haven't seen any evidence of a season and don't know when it was anyway? Arrrgh. I had always thought it was best to leave it to a second season for bone strength but would really welcome some advice