Behaviour change in Autumn?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by DanielS, Oct 4, 2020.

  1. DanielS

    DanielS Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2019
    Hey All

    Over the last few weeks we've noticed our 2 year old silver lab Max being much more nervy on walks, particularly in the evening. This is a boy who walked all the same routes quite happily wagging and greeting people (mostly politely) and dogs on a summer's evening, but now that the nights have drawn in it's much more nervous energy. Standing stock still and staring at the car emerging out of the driveway, cyclist on the path in the park, other dogs across the street. He's also much more distractable with obviously enjoyable stimuli, like dogs to play with and interesting scents in the leaves. Pulls on his lead again, which is very annoying as it took about 18 months to train him out of that one!

    He has always had some twitchy evening behaviour, like barking at random noises (low flying planes being a favourite) in the house when we're sitting with him in the kitchen, but has always been super chill outside.

    Do you notice a change in your dogs behaviour with the seasons, when the nights draw in and evening walks are now in the dark? Either positive or negative? I'm reluctant to attribute it just to that, and am also exploring whether his chronic skin issues are making him a bit crazy, but otherwise not much else has changing in his world.

  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    A dog’s world is all to do with smell. I don’t know about darkness but you only have to open the door when it is raining to see a dog sniff the air. The rain apparently heightens the scent in the air.
    Mine goes mad if the ground is frosty. Charging around sniffing like mad. Might be cold feet too!
    We have the same problem with barking at noises outside when indoors. I have put that down to a protective instinct. Drives us mad though! He never utters a noise outside.
  3. DanielS

    DanielS Registered Users

    Jun 10, 2019
    I think he is definitely finding the world after the rain more interesting, but presumably in the daytime that's still the same. I took him out 90 minutes earlier last night, and it got dark as we walked home. I felt that there was some change in him as the streetlights came on, but tbh it's difficult to be objective.

    We also tried covering the french doors in the kitchen in case he was barking at the threatening reflection-puppy - it helped some but he is definitely still a "bark first, investigate later" kind of boy!
  4. BongoMum

    BongoMum Registered Users

    Nov 28, 2018
    Living in Brisbane Australia,we only get hot or warm seasons . Windy weather poses a few more challenges on walks, Bongo gets much more twitchy & excitable, too many leaves to chase. I'm noticing he's a bit odd around a full moon though. Might be the moonlight helps with his night vision or there's more nocturnal animals out & about. He becomes very playful/naughty with usually untouched items, cushions, doormats...runs off with toilet rolls, anything for attention, we often add in an extra walk early evening but he's twitchy & on full alert the whole time. Maybe it's his inner werewolf!

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