Spayed - What Age?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Pmsmith2032, Aug 10, 2020.

  1. Pmsmith2032

    Pmsmith2032 Registered Users

    Feb 4, 2017
    What age does everyone suggest to have a Labrador spayed. Our lab is just over 5 months old and our vet is suggesting to have it done now. However I have read in other places that it's better to wait longer (better physical development and less of a chance of incontinence). Thanks!
  2. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Most people here will say at least over one year, to promote good bone density and growth. Usually that will be after the first or second heat.
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I have had 3 spayed over the years, the advice here does not change, midway between first and second season. All my 3 had no problems at all.
  4. Pmsmith2032

    Pmsmith2032 Registered Users

    Feb 4, 2017
    Thanks! Our lab is now 7.5 months old (will be 8 months on November 3rd). We have a family trip planned over Thanksgiving where she will be around male dogs. What are the chances she could go into heat during this time?
  5. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    My girl had her first season at 10months and she had a split season. She is having her second season now at 20 months. We had a great discussion with our vets who suggested it depends on each dog. Definitely wait until at least one season, ideally 2 and our vet suggested as she has a nervous edge to her to wait until she is more emotionally mature, as the reduction in testosterone may have an influence on her confidence. So for our girl that’s what we will do , wait for another year and then see if we feel it’s right for her. Lots of research around on timing , including labs generally. Hope that’s helpful.
  6. Mako_theEnglish_SD

    Mako_theEnglish_SD Registered Users

    Nov 9, 2020
    You should wait until your dog's growth plates close completely (around 16 - 24 months) doing so before can increase the risk of hip dysplasia as after the dog is spayed the growth plates don't get the hormones to tell them to stop and won't close properly.
  7. shirley critchley

    shirley critchley Registered Users

    Jul 25, 2018
    I had my lab spayed at six or seven months before her first season. My other dog is her brother so didn't want any accidents!
    No problems whatsoever. She lived a long and happy life until we lost her 3 months ago just short of being 14. The first time she had to go to the vet for anything other than routine jabs etc I think she was about 10 or 11 years old.
  8. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    I wouldn't spay a dog until 8 years old, and even then I would have a careful think about whether to leave her intact into old age and treat pyo if it occurred.

    Research shows that dogs need their gonads for normal development physically, behaviourally and for optimal health. The risk of many cancers is increased through spaying early, as is the risk of joint issues, behavioural issues, and even auto-immune conditions. It's a no-brainer:

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