Lab hair changes

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Kerry_&_Kevin, Oct 28, 2020.

  1. Kerry_&_Kevin

    Kerry_&_Kevin Registered Users

    Nov 26, 2017
    Hello, Kevin my 6yo black lab appears to be undergoing another moult (although at times it feels like he's permanently moulting!) & as I've been grooming him I've noticed the hair on his hind legs/hip feels really coarse and wiry - almost as if its hair thats been singed! Further down the leg it looks like the hair is thinner or there's less of it. I can't say I've noticed this change in texture before & i think I noticed it more for it appearing to have 'thinner' hair. Does this sound like a normal moulting thing? I'd take a picture but there's absolutely no way he's standing still to let me. And I've not noticed any excessive licking or any scratching or anything

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