Feeling disheartened

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by CB92, Nov 9, 2020.

  1. CB92

    CB92 Registered Users

    Jul 1, 2020
    I guess I’m posting this to hopefully receive some reassurance that I’m not the only one going through/or has been through this!
    Our nearly 9 month old lab is honestly the love of my life - however I feel like recently he has just been replaced by the devil!
    On walks he is just so eager to say hello to everyone and every dog that he completely zones out on the lead and no matter what I have in my hand (treat or ball) to distract him and get him to give me eye contact he completely ignores me and is so fixated on everyone else - yet when it is just me and him and no one else around he walks to heel perfectly and I always have his full attention! it’s getting to the point where I feel like I’m a rubbish dog owner and I hate to admit it but I dread walking him sometimes.

    I know he’s probably hitting the adolescent stage? But it’s just really disheartening at the moment.
    This post probably doesn’t make much sense as we’ve just come in from a walk and I’d say 40% was perfect and the other 60% I felt was a complete disaster and everyone probably thought I couldn’t control my dog! So I am rambling and feeling a little down!
    Any tips or am I really that awful?

    Ps would just like to add he honestly gives me so much joy and I love him so much it’s just these walks lately are not fun!!
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia

    Please do not get disheartened. Dog training has its ups and down.

    Your description suggests to me that you are introducing distractions at too high a level.

    Pick an area in which your dog can see other dogs. But do you training at say 200 metres from the other dogs. Get success. Over many training sessions gradually move closer and closer to the distraction.

    Don't expect continuous progression. Some breeds may be more distracting than others.Some days don't result in success. Back off until the dog is able to focus on you.

    Try also to use higher value treats in the presence of distractions.

    I don't actually know whether the starting point will be 200 metres. If your dog cannot focus on you, then you are too close.
    SianMJ likes this.
  3. CB92

    CB92 Registered Users

    Jul 1, 2020

    Thank you for taking the time to reply. Yes I think you are definitely right, I need to create more of a distance between us and other distractions. Going to attempt another walk/training session this afternoon and will see how we get on.
    I think yesterday it was all getting a bit too much and needed to get it off my chest.
    Michael A Brooks likes this.

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