We all experienced this..

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by CharlieTheLab, Nov 14, 2020.

  1. CharlieTheLab

    CharlieTheLab Registered Users

    Nov 14, 2020
    Meet Charlie, my black lab mix. The dog that loves to follow me around and does anything I ask, except when I tell him not to bite.
    Charlie is 7 months, recently has been fixed my wife and I got Charlie at 8 weeks old. From about day 3 to current times Charlie has had no chill. This dog doesn’t lay down for naps, doesn’t lay down for more then 2 seconds, does very well in the crate though. Charlie constantly bites myself more then my wife. I feel like we have tried everything, I’ve read these post countless times and I hear the same responses.. redirect, bones, toys, training, exercise. Charlie gets a mile to two a day, bully sticks everyday. Tons of toys. I thought by 7 months his biting would stop but it hasn’t changed a bit! From jumping and trying to bite my shoulders to snarling his mouth and biting legs and hands. He’s fine with other people, kids etc. fine with me taking his food/bones. It seems to me he’s just so hyper active and over stimulated he doesn’t know how to calm down. I’ve become curious of the not laying down on his own that maybe there is a health issue? Is he hiding his pain and getting uncomfortably upset by it? The vet says he is very healthy but are they missing something? Or is this honestly just a super active pup that is living his best life? I could go on and on but we all seem to have experienced these behaviors
    deba44 likes this.

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