Crate with door open

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Fidelma Hughes, Nov 23, 2020.

  1. Fidelma Hughes

    Fidelma Hughes Registered Users

    Nov 23, 2020
    Hi. I am new to forum. We have a 14 week old female lab puppy. We got her at 9 weeks. She has settled in well but I have question. She loves her crate and we have it in the laundry However we keep the door open with blanket over the opening. She will put herself to bed during the day!
    At night we have a bit of a problem. She gets really tired and goes to bed about 8.30 or 9. I get her to pee prior to bed but poo us a bit harder. I feed her about 6. During night I get up and take her out to pee. However problem is that she wakes about 6 am and by time I get to her she has pooped on newspapers I put by door. I have tried closing door of crate but she eliminated in crate and dont want that. When weather is mild I leave laundry door slightly open and she goes out herself and does her business and then puts herself back to bed. I guess when she us older and in kennel this won’t be problem but in meantime it’s tiring to get up in night on colder nights. We are retired couple and home with her most of time.
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Welcome to the forum.

    I know it's tiring to undertake all the toilet training. But based on your description you need to set the alarm for about 5.30. Take her into the garden on a lead. No playing. Not much interaction. When she defecates. Give here a couple of treats one after the other. Bring her inside and put her back in the crate. And go back to bed.

    If you want to, you can put defecation and urination on cue. The dog will go without the cue when you are not around. But you have the ability to manage the timing if you teach cues. You would teach the cues by capturing.

    The problem with the paper and faeces is that eventually you are going to have to train her to do it in the garden. It's really easier to establish that routine now.

    I am not sure what training you did on crate training. But it should be possible to lock the door. And get another hour or so sleep, secure in the knowledge that she has emptied her bowels. Is the crate much larger than she is currently now? If so get a barricade. Dogs will not normally defecate or urinate in her sleeping area.
    Edp likes this.
  3. Fidelma Hughes

    Fidelma Hughes Registered Users

    Nov 23, 2020
    Thanks for your advice. Yes the crate is quite large and she stretches out. When I get up around 1 to 2 she immediately urinates in designated area. I put her straight back. I could get up at 5.30 and try to get her to defecate. Yes I will lock crate door after 5.30 toileting When it is mild outside she goes out herself and toilets! This is easier for us. Is it ok to do this? Thanks again
  4. Fidelma Hughes

    Fidelma Hughes Registered Users

    Nov 23, 2020
    I have a division for the crate but I think she would be a bit tight
  5. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    How much room does she have when she stretches out when the divider is in place? Centimetres? Or inches?

    There is a very good discussion of crate training by Jo Laurens. It goes through the steps of how to tain closing the door.

    Yes it's okay for her to take herself outside. If you clean up frequently, then you know something about her bowel habits. The reason I chose 5.30 was to avoid her defecating at 6.00. As she gets older she will be able to hold on longer. The sleep will come.
  6. Fidelma Hughes

    Fidelma Hughes Registered Users

    Nov 23, 2020
    You are so helpful. Had success last night. I got up for second time at 5 am. (It gets light early so wanted her to think it was still nighttime). Anyway she obliged by doing both . Then we didn’t hear from her until 7 this morning. Thanks for your tips and referral to Jo Laurens. I think we are winning She seems comfortable with divider. I can adjust it if needed
    Edp and Michael A Brooks like this.

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