Lab has a sore looking bottom

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by David L, Dec 1, 2020.

  1. David L

    David L Registered Users

    Dec 1, 2020
    Hello everyone,

    Wondering if anyone's had a similar issue with their lab where their bum hole looks red and sore but not all over, usually just at the top 12 o'clock position. We've been to the vets before about this and he's been prescribed some Idaderm gel which we used and that seemed to clear it up but it's now back and it causes Rupert to have sporadic periods of intense licking at it so I imagine it's irritating him quite a bit.

    He's 2 in Feb and apart from having epilepsy, which is controlled fantastically well using Epiphen he's in perfect shape according to the vets. I was worried that it's an anal gland infection or something similar but the vet didn't seem to think this was the case. Sometimes it looks like he has an almost large pink pimple there but it might just be his bum when he tenses it etc.

    Sorry for the somewhat graphic descriptions but I couldn't describe it any other way.

    Thanks in advance for any replies or thoughts

  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    No expert here but it sounds like other skin conditions that you need to keep on top of and treat before they become inflamed. Can you keep the gel to hand so the first time he starts to lick you treat even if you can’t see anything.
    Maybe an internal pile you can’t see? Does he ever have hard stools or spend a long time going to the toilet?
    Other than that another chat with the vet I think.
  3. David L

    David L Registered Users

    Dec 1, 2020
    Hi J.D, his stools are always easy to pass and he never struggles to poop and it's always in good time :) he never scoots his bottom on the floor or anything like that. He's got blood tests tomorrow morning to check his levels because of his epilepsy medication so I'll ask them about it again then while I'm at the vets. Thanks.

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