
Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by simonD, Dec 21, 2020.

  1. simonD

    simonD Registered Users

    Jul 12, 2016
    Hello- our intact black lab is nearly 5. He has the gentlest temperament and we have never had reason to neuter. But today- with my wife, not me- he got into a proper scrap with a staffie who started the fight. He has never shown aggression before but today apparently certainly fought back. No damage and afterwards acted as if nothing happened! He does certainly get interested if in season bitch around, so not sure if that would be a trigger for the this out of character behaviour. Really after reassurance that this normal for intact male. He so laid back and calm, this a bit of a shock. Hopefully won't be start of different behaviour. Any comments welcome. Maybe these things happen from time to time with any dog. And, of course, comments on whether to consider neutering- I'm easy either way as his temperament is so calm, I don't think it would alter. As said the only mildly annoying behaviour he shows is around in season bitches- doesn't mount anything but does sniff and lick a lot, although even this behaviour has improved a bit over the years and is only ever an issue if walking in very crowded areas with lots of dogs- never an issue if walking in the country.
    Thanks for any comments
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    I'm not clear on your finding. I would not say a dog is aggressive if he is defending himself. Was he cornered with no possibility of fleeing? Was he trying to flee and still being attacked? Was he on lead in which case did he feel he could not flee? If so, then he had only two other alternatives. Freeze. A poor alternative based on the account. Or fight.

    If you are concerned, get a dog behaviourist to observe your dog, and evaluate. It is entirely possible that your dog may now be reactive to dogs of that breed. The attack may have senstised him to that breed. You will want to do something about that sooner rather than later.
    sarah@forumHQ likes this.

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