Signs of joint issues?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by RedsDa, Dec 30, 2020.

  1. RedsDa

    RedsDa Registered Users

    Dec 14, 2020
    Hi all,

    My 6 month pup was recently playing rough and tumble with his litter mate and I noticed he was limping and couldn’t put weight on his back leg. He was whining when I touched the lower part of his leg so I put this down to a sprain. I took him straight home and made him rest for a couple of days before introducing short walks again and the limp seems to be gone.

    However having read up on the internet I am starting to worry he is showing signs of hip dysplasia:

    - He “sloppy sits” a lot but he is just a puppy
    - He seems to have calmed down a lot around the house in the last month, something I had put down to training but he does sleep a lot in the evening

    and the big one that has me worried the most:

    - when he stands up from lying down he often pushes himself up from his front feet first as if to sit rather than bouncing straight up.

    I read this last one is a sure sign of HD but it has been pretty tough to google and I’m wondering if this is just puppy behaviour or something I should bother my vet with?

    thank you!
  2. glendo

    glendo Registered Users

    Aug 12, 2018
    Get it checked out ASAP.

    My girl had an accident while playing with another Lab, resulting in torn cartilage on her front left elbow. The vet dismissed it, 2 weeks after that I demanded an MRI, and then two weeks after that she had keyhole surgery. She was 1YO, and now has some lameness for the rest of her life (only limps with over-exertion). Because all parties dismissed it so easily, she was injured for 4 weeks before action was taken.
  3. RedsDa

    RedsDa Registered Users

    Dec 14, 2020
    hey, thanks for your reply. How long did it take for her to recover? Was she still limping during those 4 weeks? He doesn’t appear to be limping/sore anymore.

    He has always got up from lying down front feet first (and sometimes makes it look like a chore when he’s tired at night) which is why I was wondering if it was a sign of something more serious.

    I do plan on getting him checked out just to be sure!
  4. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I would go and get it checked out to put your mind at rest. Also is he getting up from a slippery floor or carpet. If you have mainly hard floors it might be worth having a few rugs/mats to lie on when not in his bed.

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