Puppy sniffing his own wee - Is this normal?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Samantha Sirimane, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. Samantha Sirimane

    Samantha Sirimane Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2020

    My lovely Rolo (I will post a pic, once I've figured out how to post pics on here - just attaching from a file doesn't seem to work for me :(. ) is now at 10 months old and is a bundle of energy and mischief (jumping, lunging, biting/nibbling to get attention). Persevering with training, the odd puzzle/mind game, general run around with toys and two walks a day and hoping that works! He also passed a milestone in that - he finally cocked a leg up at mileposts this week, when doing his outdoor walks, (It was a relief as we were wondering if he would do this, ever and also that he would 'go' whilst not on our property).

    He does do something that I have not seen before which is, after he does a wee, he sniffs at the grass where he 'went', repeatedly sniffing and prodding/jabbing the location with his nose At times, his entire body shudders when he does this. This has been going on for about six weeks now. It was gradual initially, but now it is almost every time he does a wee in our garden. Has anyone else had this and know why this might be?
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    No, I haven't come across this behaviour before; sniffing other dogs wee, and even teeth chattering, is fairly normal, but I've never known a dog be interested in it's own wee. It might be worth popping a wee sample to the vets to check for a UTI or anything else going on.
    Samantha Sirimane likes this.
  3. swissmiss

    swissmiss Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2019
    My lab does this all the time! He’s 3 years old now has always done this. Pees. Walks a few steps, goes back and sniffs. He will also sniff his earlier pee spots. I thought this was normal ‍♀️
    Samantha Sirimane likes this.

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