8 month old lab still having accidents

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Abh20, Feb 17, 2021.

  1. Abh20

    Abh20 Registered Users

    Feb 17, 2021
    My lab will go days with out having any accidents. He never has accidents at night or while we are away and he’s in his kennel but randomly he will have a really bad day and pee constantly in the house. He knows to ask when to go out and we know his cues but on these bad days he will pee on anything in his path. He also pees while walking and it’ll stretch literally through our entire house and I just don’t know what to do to fix this issue. He just peed all over my chair and ottoman as well as the bay window sill (he sits up there to look out the window) as well as peed all over the floor. About an hour before he had peed all over the kitchen and dining room and again he doesn’t show any signs of having to go to the bathroom and he walks while peeing so by the time I see it, there’s pee everywhere. Is this behavioral, and medical issue, or did we do something wrong when potty training? I am at my wits end with him and starting to get very frustrated because we’ve tried so many things to get him to go outside but he still does this. We do restrict his water because when he has open access to it, the accidents are even worse so he gets water once an hour. I’m open to any and all advice!
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    My initial thought would be that limiting water may have resulted in a UTI.
    Pop him to the vet to check for a UTI.
    If he's all clear, then go back to puppy basics- let him outside (and wait with him until he has a wee and praise) every hour, after he's eaten, after he's played, when he wakes up etc. If you cannot watch him eg while you have a shower etc, pop him in his crate.
    Feeding dry kibble/biscuits can make them very thirsty and drink a lot, which obviously leads to them peeing a lot. Could you try feeding him a wet food or raw food?

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