Can't proof recall around other dogs

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Andrea0408, Feb 18, 2021.

  1. Andrea0408

    Andrea0408 Registered Users

    Dec 25, 2018

    I haven't posted here for a long time. My chocolate boy, Hunter, is 2 now and is a really great dog; friendly, excitable, smart. He isn't aggressive, doesn't bark, isn't destructive...

    He walks well on a lead and he is whistle trained for recall. I have proofed both of these things around birds, balls, bikes, adults (mostly) and children. We just can't seem to step up to proof around dogs. If he sees another dog on a lead he stops listening to me, sometimes tries to pull me over (I don't let him, I hold him back) and generally wants to go play. I have tried to make him sit while a dog walks past him and he can (sometimes) sit until the dog is level with him at which point he tries to lunge up to play. Afterwards a dog has walked past he is so excited for a few minutes and jumps and pulls a little. It doesn't seem to matte how great the treats I have are, when he sees another dog he has some tunnel vision.

    Similar with recall. He's on a long lead at the moment. When the park is empty we have no problem with recall but he runs to other dogs. I have tried going to the park with a friend whos old collie he knows doesn't want to play to try and proof it. But he still runs over and annoys her and won't recall. Its been months and I don't see this ever getting better, I've tried every stinky, smelly food treat I can think of.

    Thank you for your help
    Deboragh likes this.
  2. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
  3. Deboragh

    Deboragh Registered Users

    Jan 29, 2018
    Toronto Canada
    Hi Andrea, it sounds as though you've done a tremendous amount of work with Hunter. I also find recall very challenging with our Hailey, perhaps because they are so sociable and want to greet other dogs? Also I think 2 is still young for a Lab...they seem to take several years to mature. I imagine training gets easier over time!
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Do you have a trainer in your area who could help you?
  5. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Although I would like to see a video, this reads to me as if your dog is way too close to the other dogs. Increase your distance until he focuses on your cues. Once fluent, gradually reduce the distance.

    Use really high-value treats for recalls outside the home. Try sardines mixed with low fat cream cheese. Deliver with baby spoon from plastic container.

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