Puppy socializing question (in class)

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Pepperthefoxyredlab, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Pepperthefoxyredlab

    Pepperthefoxyredlab Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2021
    I have a 16 week puppy, currently in-class training with 4 other dogs... going ok. Pepper got so excited and distracted this last class that I had a hard time getting her to even focus on me—the mom with the treats. She was jumpy, barky, and pulling towards the trainer and other dogs. She finally settled and got into her stride the last 15 minutes.

    But my overall question is, how exactly are we to socialize dogs & puppies...what is the norm to follow that makes everyone feel safe and happy? Do we not allow dogs on leash to meet? In class we seem to go right into our spots, no dog socializing, then at the end of class they get the chance to meet each other one by one. I feel like she just wanted to say hi to everyone the whole first half.

    To narrow it down more. When we take her on walks, say there is another dog coming towards us or in distance. Do we just ignore and walk past?

    In class we are being taught heel & loose leash walking, but is this how we are to Always walk with our dog? Is it until they are completely trained that we let them meet other dogs on a walk?

    These are questions I will ask trainer at next session but wanted to check in here for input and maybe other considerations I haven’t thought of.

    Thank you so much in advance!! I am not sure if I can post a picture of Pepper on here but I have a ton on her Instagram @Pepperthefoxyredlab !!
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    There is a major misconception @Pepperthefoxyredlab in your thread. Your puppy was socialising all the time. It is not necessary for your puppy to be bouncing off the wall with another puppy to be socialising. Socialisation really means forming good attitudes towards the world at large--outside the litter and later your home. Just sitting there and taking it all in was socialisation.

    The socialsation window closes around the 16th week. Kathryn Lord, an American behaviourist, claims that in the case of Labs it closes one week later.

    Second misconception. It is not necessary for dogs to be making nose-to-nose meetings in the street/park. There is no reason why your dog should like everyone she meets. And that is true of the strange dogs too. You should be positively reinforcing your dog for being calm when other dogs are approaching. Do not under any circumstance force your puppy to greet another dog. And I would avoid dog parks like the plague.
    Joy likes this.
  3. ggrtjyku

    ggrtjyku Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2021
    The socialsation window closes around the 16th week. Kathryn Lord, an American behaviourist, claims that in the case of Labs it closes one week later.
  4. ggrtjyku

    ggrtjyku Registered Users

    Feb 22, 2021
    The socialsation window closes around the 16th week. Kathryn Lord, an American behaviourist, claims that in the case of Labs it closes one week later.

    snaptube vidmate

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