To neuter my dog?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Victoria Gow, Mar 22, 2021.

  1. Victoria Gow

    Victoria Gow Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2021
    Hello new to the forum and I'm not sure if I've posted this in the right place !! , I'm looking for advice Please !, we have adopted a 18 month Labrador from a gun dog trainer and have had him for 4 months, training going very well, he is a very soft boy, a bit nervous, but super friendly with people and dogs, I've had a number of comments that other dogs won't like him due to the fact he is intact, a lady said ' you'll have trouble with him round here' referring to him being intact as her dog was going mad on the lead and mine was sitting next to me calmly, but we did have one instance of a French bulldog really go for him, the owner said it was because he was intact and some other dogs that were aggressive toward him. for me he is perfect and I don't want to change anything about him, but I am nervous about other dogs though and how walks/interactions will be given most dogs in our area are neutered. I don't want him to become fearful, I have total confidence in my dog as he is super well behaved, always comes back to the whistle, but am I putting him at risk by not neutering him? I worry he would become more shy/nervous if we did neuter as he is so gentle , I don't want to change him to fit in with others when he is so good, but thinking long term, does anyone have any advice for a dog that is quite a softie on this subject ? Thanks so much
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Victoria, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new Labrador, he sounds wonderful :)

    What a frustrating position to find yourself in with the other dog owner!

    Pippa has written a bit about the pros and cons of neutering in this article on our main site, which you might find interesting. Ultimately it comes down to deciding what's best for your dog.

    Hopefully some more members will be along to share their own experiences shortly!
  3. Victoria Gow

    Victoria Gow Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2021
    Hello Thank you so much for your reply, Yes my main concern is his safety. I'm a first time dog owner so its all new to me! I will take a ready, thank you!
  4. SianMJ

    SianMJ Registered Users

    Jun 3, 2019
    South Wales UK
    Hello, totally agree with what’s best for your dog. I have had this conversation with my vet also. I have not yet spayed my female lab , now 2. This is in part because if the effect testosterone ( even in females) on confidence. My girl has been so easy to spook as she has a nervous edge to her. We are waiting to let her become more emotionally mature and then decide. She also hates the vets, very fearful, and so I don’t want to put her through all of that if we can manage without. Perhaps get to know your boy a little more first, to let him mature a little and to see what’s right for him ?
  5. Victoria Gow

    Victoria Gow Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2021
    Thanks for your reply. Yes you are right, its early days and he is already much more confident. Thats a great plan and I will do the same, just keep an eye on him when we are out and about. He has met some lovely dogs too, so I guess its his confidence and mine that we need to keep an eye on. thanks!

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