Adolescent 8 month lab

Discussion in 'Behavioural science and dog training philosophy' started by Michelle Burling, Mar 25, 2021.

  1. Michelle Burling

    Michelle Burling Registered Users

    Jan 18, 2021
    Our golden girl has reached adolescence she has selective hearing and seems to have forgotten basic commands. She has started barking at us and trying to bite. It is a very trying time. She will not walk just pulls and distracted by everything. She gets plenty of exercise and play time. Any advice to make it easier font seem to stop from morning until night.
  2. J Leonard

    J Leonard Registered Users

    Mar 8, 2021
    Belleriver Ontario
    Have you attended obedience training with the dog?

    Bad behavior is usually due to a lack of obedience training.

    It's never to late to start training...

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