Aggressive Puppy Biting?

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by ciremoh, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. ciremoh

    ciremoh Registered Users

    Mar 15, 2021
    We have a 3-month-old lab/border collie mixed pup and she has bad bite inhibition. She is great most of the time, but sometimes seemingly randomly, she pounces on us, bites and latches on to legs, arms, clothing, basically anything that moves. Once she bites, she won't let go unless we force her mouth open or wait for her to get bored, but that hurts a lot. The "ouch" technique never works and only makes her bite harder. She growls too, as if she's playing tug-of-war but it sounds so viscous. Usually we have to force her mouth open and give her a timeout in the bathroom. These bites barely ever draw blood, but the bite marks are visible on the skin like red scratches.

    Is this behavior normal for a puppy her age?
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Ciremoh, welcome to the forum :)

    Totally normal! Try searching this forum for terms like "crocopup", "land shark", and "puppy biting", and you'll find that every puppy parent was in the same boat for a while!

    Take a look at this article on our main site, which explains why she does it and how to manage it: How To Stop Your Puppy Biting

    Keep hanging in there - good luck!
    Deboragh likes this.

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