10 wk puppy won't walk out of house

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jenny morgan, Apr 10, 2021.

  1. Jenny morgan

    Jenny morgan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2021
    Some advice please. I have a 10 wk old labradoodle who is doing so well in many ways . He sleeps in his crate for 8 hrs and is mostly potty trained.
    The problem is he won't go for a walk away from the house . He is happy with his harness and lead generally. But when we step out of the front door he puts bum down and won't move.
    I have tried carrying him a couple of streets and he does walk (race) back to the house . He does refuse to walk even on way back if we encounter someone else especially if its another dog . Then he panics and has to be carried even back to the house .
    Any tips . Maybe he is just too young yet ? We start puppy training classes in a couple of weeks so hopefully that will help .
    Thank you
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Has he had all his jabs yet? Seems young to be out on the streets.
    Trying taking him out in the car to places like garden centres and carry him around to get used to the outside world first.
    Edp likes this.
  3. Jenny morgan

    Jenny morgan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2021

    Yes he had his second jab and the vet told us we could walk him after 5 days after that , which was 2 days ago. Prior to his jabs we took him for carry walks to get him use to outside .
    So he dosnt have a problem being carried around and is very engaged. But as soon as he is on his feet he stops . Won't even walk out the front door to end of drive
  4. Colorado

    Colorado Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2021
    My 9 wk old lab pup wouldn't walk either. With the collar, harness, and leash-- he would just sit down on the front porch. Sometimes I would walk to the end of the leash and just stand there and patiently look up at the trees- no pulling, but no backing down, just waiting and waiting, and then he would come. I also carried kibble in my pocket- he was clicker trained for "here" and I would say that and he would come and receive kibble. Rinse and repeat. But I didn't want to give him kibble for walking forever. Over 2-3 weeks, we kept walking a little and he just started sitting down less and less. There are interesting people, smells, and noises that he now knows are part of his interesting world. But it did take longer than I thought. Plus it all happened on my sidewalk and my neighbors would watch me try to walk with him. Hah.
  5. Jenny morgan

    Jenny morgan Registered Users

    Apr 10, 2021
    At now 12 weeks he is doing very slightly better when I drive him to somewhere else when he will walk more ( still sits down but not as much) .
    But going for a walk from the house is a nightmare . Won't walk , looks fed up and just sits down . I have tried everything , treats, fav toy , waiting , encouragement which work for a few steps then stop again . I usually give up and turn around and go back ... At which point he walks lovely .
    Could really do with advice .
  6. NeSt

    NeSt Registered Users

    Nov 7, 2021
    It is hilarious!
    When looking in particular for a lab, I was picturing myself running daily with him (a year from now). As of today, 11 weeks old Newton will not leave the house (unless he sees one dog or human) and we are no more than 100 meters away from the house where he comes back to pee/poop. Everything else is jut too scary... Thanks for sharing your experience! When did this behaviour stop and did you do something special? We give lots of treats and hugs but it does not change a lot (except for the sitting down to get treats )

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