Time to neuter??? 1yr old intact male no longer social, more growling, barking.

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Kat McKinnon, Apr 11, 2021.


Is it time to neuter him?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. Wait and see

    0 vote(s)
  3. No

    1 vote(s)
  1. Kat McKinnon

    Kat McKinnon Registered Users

    Jul 2, 2020
    We have a 1 year old chocolate male who used to be so social with other dogs: loved playing, running around, meeting every other dog at the park and overall so friendly and kind. Now he doesn't seem interested at all, just wants to pee everywhere and on everything (including people and their small dogs!) How embarrassing! He also only wants to interact with dogs who want nothing to do with him, eg other male dogs at will bark and growl at him and then he'll just follow them around try to hump them and generally just be a pest. He also began trying to cover up his pees by kicking the dirt and growling. The protective barking around the house and in the backyard is getting worse as well. Is it time to neuter? Is this behaviour attributed to him being intact or is this just his behaviour? It is all concerning as this is all new aggressive behaviour that we have never seen before in our sweet boy.
    Bonniesmum likes this.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    We were hoping for all sorts of behaviour changes but actually the only thing that stopped was the behaviour of other males towards him. We got to the point where Toby was retaliating and that was distressing. Fortunately all that stopped.
    What didn’t was the occasional humping of dogs(male and female) marking and the over the top protection of the home.
    I was then told by someone on here that neutering him at 13 months contributed to his cancer at 18months. That was more distressing than anything!
    Do all the research and be guided by your vet rather than asking for a vote on here.
  3. Bonniesmum

    Bonniesmum Registered Users

    Feb 28, 2021
    Hi there. We have a 9 month old female lab. Not had first season as of yet. From around 6 months she has changed. Barks and growls at visitors. At strangers on walks!

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