Food help...again!

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Lucy and Mia, Apr 22, 2021.

  1. Lucy and Mia

    Lucy and Mia Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2019
    Cornwall, UK
    I have been here asking this question before but we have landed back at square one once again!
    Mia has such a sensitive stomach I have always struggled to find food that doesn’t upset her and allow her to keep weight on. Generally anything with chicken in will upset her skin as well as her stomach so that is a definite no.
    After asking this question previously, the unanimous advice given was to try her on Millies Wolfheart so I contacted their nutritionists and tried out their recommendations. Mia has been fantastic on it for about a year now, no stomach upsets, no skin complaints and has even been keeping weight on, I was amazed! The past few bags we’ve had she seems to love until she gets near to the end then goes off it completely and refuses to eat until we get a new bag in a different flavour but we end up wasting so much and she will go days eating barely anything it’s really worrying and I am my wits end seeing her sitting in front of a part eaten bowl of food looking at me like I’m trying to poison her!
    Help please!
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Would you consider trying raw?
  3. Lucy and Mia

    Lucy and Mia Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2019
    Cornwall, UK
    I’m not great at handling raw meat and don’t really eat it myself (much to the disgust of my boyfriend) and as it is generally me that is around at mealtimes I would rather stick to kibble if possible but I’m open to hearing the benefits of a raw diet if you have a strong opinion on it please?
    At this stage I would even consider cutting her food and feeding her with a knife and fork! She ate barely half of her breakfast this morning and has point blank refused her tea this evening. We are currently in the midst of cooking up a frozen bit of mince and chopping some veg just so she has something for tea tonight and her breakfast tomorrow morning to give us a chance to get something else
    Deboragh likes this.
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    If you can get a balanced raw food like Nutriment, you literally just have to lift the lid off so there is no prep involved. DIY is a bit more effort, but I get DAF which comes in pouches, so it's no more handling than tinned meat really. If you do do DIY, you need to add to it to balance it, but I enjoy doing it.
    I messed around for years with a dog with a dodgy tummy and he was better within 2 days of starting on raw and never looked back. If any dogs are staying with me for more than a fortnight, I move them on to raw so that I don't have to deal with nasty dog food poos! Quite a few owners have said that their dogs are picky, but I've never had an issue with them with raw.
    It's not for everyone, but I ave found that it works for my dogs and any of the dogs I have moved onto raw.
    Worth a try x
    Lucy and Mia and Deboragh like this.
  5. Lucy and Mia

    Lucy and Mia Registered Users

    Nov 12, 2019
    Cornwall, UK
    Thank you for your reply. It’s interesting to hear different opinions, even more with raw because I had kind of seen it as a very last resort until now.
    When doing it yourself what do you include to give a balanced meal?
    Thanks x
  6. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    I feed a good selection of different proteins. The meats I buy already have ground bone in them (Durham Animal Feeds)so I just add veggies, Dorwest's "Easy Green" powder, then a few different seeds/fruits to cover different nutriments. I personally don't perfectly balance every meal, like I don't balance every meal for myself :)
    For puppies, I would always stick with a ready balanced food such as Nutriment, but it's just too expensive for me to feed 9 adult dogs on.

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