Bite wound not healing

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by AlCar, Apr 25, 2021.

  1. AlCar

    AlCar Registered Users

    Oct 6, 2020
    My 9 month old chocolate puppy got bitten by another dog last week (weds) and had to be stitched up. It was quite bad wound under his armpit and when we went back to the vet on Friday they said it wasn't healing very well and the wound had a hole where it wasn't pulling together, and to keep an eye on it and to come back on Monday. It's hard to see as it's under his arm and he has quite a lot of skin rolls but today we could see it still was gaping a bit so we took him back to the vet. This vet, a different lady, said that they had used dissolvable stitches which weren't holding well so he had to be put back under general anaes again and restitched up more thoroughly. He's now got a huge newly stitched wound and a drain etc. We have to keep him crated up so he doesn't move too much which as you can imagine isn't much fun for an exuberant puppy! I feel so worried and it's so stressful. I'm giving him frozen kongs to give him some entertainment which he loves but I'm so worried it's going to take ages to heal and he's not going to be the same dog again. Not looking for any advice really but any words of encouragement from anyone who's been through similar would be great and any tips of how to help him.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    What a horrible experience to go through. Sounds like the last vet had a better idea of what a young dog needs. Is he on any medication that might help keep him calmer?
    The stricter you are with keeping him quiet the quicker you will be out the other end of this and he will be back to his old self. Try not to show your anxiety around him as they pick up on things like that very easily.
    Dogs are very resilient. Mine had an ear removed at 18 months and he is exactly the same as he was before. Yes he hates going to the vet but as soon as they have done what they need to and he is stuffed with treats he is bouncing around outside again!
    You could have a look at doing a bit of scent work to get his nose working which is tiring for them.
    I hope the other dog owner didn’t get away scot-free!

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