Looking for dog breed good with children as family companion

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by nycas21, Apr 28, 2021.

  1. nycas21

    nycas21 Registered Users

    Apr 28, 2021
    Hello I have a household of 4 adults and 2 children ages 5 and 8 year old with a 6 ft cement base concrete yard.

    Looking for a family companion dog good with children and other animals.

    I know this is a labrador forum.

    I need help between the standard poodle and labrador.

    The only thing I see positive in the poodle is the shedding of the hair and labradors no hair cuts every 6 weeks but sheds a lot?

    Any suggestions

    Maybe you had a poodle and went to labrador .
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello and welcome, I can’t comment on poodles but I have a lab and had twin boys age 6 when I got her. She is now 7 and I would say from about 18 months she has been the most perfect family pet. She is just a delight and the boys and her adore each other. She is best mates with the cats and does not bother the other animals we have around, sheep, geese, pheasants, deer etc.... However, the first year or so is tough, they are known to be very bitey pups, hard for children to understand. Pretty energetic and need lots of time, training and patience. You have to invest time in training. If you can commit to that, a lab is no doubt a fabulous choice for a family.
    Deboragh and Michael A Brooks like this.

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