How many baths?

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by DaveMessi, May 12, 2021.

  1. DaveMessi

    DaveMessi Registered Users

    May 10, 2021
    Hi! so we are in India and the temperature here is hitting close to 40 degree C (104 F) and this is expected to stay around this range or shoot up by another couple degrees for the next 2 months. I let Max soak in the tub once during the week, usually Wednesday or Thursday (No soap only Tap water) and shampoo him every weekend. Is this Schedule OK considering that i don't want to rob his body of natural oils with frequent bathing and at the same time I want to give him the opportunity to cool off as much as possible? Can i let him soak in the tub more frequently, say every alternate day?
    I am a first time dog owner and I am confused about so many things lol and this looked like the perfect place to ask for help seeing how all of you have such good advice throughout the forum. So, thanks in advance :)
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    When its hot here (rate in the UK!) I hose my dogs down multiple times a day. I try to keep their ears dry. I rarely shampoo. Shampooing every week is probably excessive.
    DaveMessi likes this.
  3. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    As long as you don't use shampoo you can let your dog go in a tub of water as often as you like. I never bath my dog but in the summer (UK) she goes in the river or sea every day and her coat looks fine.
    DaveMessi likes this.
  4. DaveMessi

    DaveMessi Registered Users

    May 10, 2021
    Ok thanks. I will reduce the shampooing frequency. Hopefully with hosing him or letting him sit in the tub every alternate day to begin with, the stink won't be that much of an issue. When i got him and was bathing him once every month initially, the smell used to become unbearable after some time.
  5. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hi Meg is 7 and she is wet daily either river, reservoir or mostly pond. She has never had a bath, and has a lovely coat. She has haf the occasional spot clean if she has rolled on something, but never a full bath.
    DaveMessi likes this.
  6. DaveMessi

    DaveMessi Registered Users

    May 10, 2021
    And she does look lovely :)
  7. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Gorgeous, shiny coat . :inlove:

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