Lab Who Refuses to Use The Loo Outside

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Lacey K, Apr 1, 2021.

  1. Lacey K

    Lacey K Registered Users

    Apr 1, 2021
    Hello all, and I am so glad to have found this forum. I have an almost 1 year old fixed male lab. We got him when he was around 4 months old from another family who just couldn't handle him because of small children (3 years old or younger.)

    My fiancee and I have been trying to train our dog diligently since we got him; daily walks that go anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour (we have 3 kids and live along a canal,) crate training, the whole shebang.

    Theodore, however, has never liked the concept of going outside to relieve himself. When he was a puppy, he constantly had accidents in his kennel (pooping inside of it, then yelping like he was being beat.) He will sit by the back door for maybe a minute before he walks around the house relieving himself. My fiancee and I are at our wits end with him; he has been pooping in his kennel every day and night for the past week. We can't leave him unattended in the backyard for more than 10 minutes because he absolutely destroys EVERYTHING. He has a whole number of toys, from the squeaky kind, to the ones he can chew on, to the ones we throw.

    Today, he decided to force his way out of his kennel and proceeded to poop all over the kitchen, run through it, and run on my couch, the stairs, the living room... all in the time it took me to shower.

    What the heck am I doing wrong with him? I've always had dogs, have always had them house trained quickly, but this little monster? I just don't know. Help!!
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Can you go outside with him and wait for him to pee/poo and praise him?
  3. ARW

    ARW Registered Users

    Mar 13, 2021
    Hi Lacey - That sounds super frustrating. Lucy is my 2nd Lab and also the 2nd dog I have taught to use the potty bells. Since you said that Theodore will go to the door, maybe they will work for you? It does take persistence and patience - both of my dogs caught on to the fact that they just had to ring the bell and they got to go outside - fun for them! I focused on taking Lucy out, giving her the “go potty” command and then praising her when she went. If she didn’t go within a couple of minutes it was back in the house without comment. Good luck - I hope you find some answers!
  4. amelbeach

    amelbeach Registered Users

    Aug 10, 2020
    We adopted a 1 year old Lab mix a month ago and have come to find out he is incredibly afraid of peeing and pooping outside. He will hold it for up to two whole days at a time, obviously in pain and whining to go outside but refusing to pee even when we spend 10 or 20 minutes out there with him coaxing him to go to the bathroom. He knows the command "go potty" and gets treats and praise every time he goes but it is not enough for him to overcome his Speed Test fears.
  5. tobythepoods

    tobythepoods Registered Users

    May 3, 2021
    That's is also what's happening with me. We would walk for about 20 minutes but still chooses to pee and poo inside our home but he has a pee area inside our house. what I would do is buy a pee spray and spray it outside and hopefully it would help him to pee outside.
  6. anolkey

    anolkey Registered Users

    May 20, 2021
    That sounds super frustrating. Lucy is my 2nd Lab and also the 2nd dog I have taught to use the potty bells.
  7. anolkey

    anolkey Registered Users

    May 20, 2021
    That sounds super frustrating. Lucy is my 2nd Lab and also the 2nd dog I have taught to use the potty bells.

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