Pregnant. Will it be ok?

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Puppy Newbie 85, Jun 18, 2021.

  1. Puppy Newbie 85

    Puppy Newbie 85 Registered Users

    May 2, 2021
    Hi guys

    I have recently found out I am pregnant. Our pup is 16.5 weeks and is generally a really good pup. He has never really bitten us much and hasn't chewed any furniture (despite losing teeth).

    He will be 3 weeks away from turning 1 when baby is due. I guess I'm just looking for assurance that having a young dog and a baby is manageable. I am really worried I wont be able to give him the time / attention he needs as it is likely my husband will be working away again by then so I will likely be on my own every second month.

    Please can you share stories/advice of when you brought a baby home when having a lab?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Firstly, congratulations on your pregnancy. Very exciting. It’s really hard to predict how your dog will be at that age and balancing him with with a new baby. Typically, labs at that age are pretty bouncy but I found mine would settle well after plenty of exercise. Long off lead walks. Your baby, rightly will be your focus and you won’t know till he or she is here how your delivery will go, or feeding issues, or even health issues. So, I think just keep an open mind and seek help where you can doggy day care, dog walkers, neighbours and just know it’s ok to put yourself and baby first, and seek support for your dog. Best wishes.
  3. Puppy Newbie 85

    Puppy Newbie 85 Registered Users

    May 2, 2021
    Thank you. He is already starting to self settle when he's tired which is great, so hopefully with enough exercise and stimulation he will continue this into adulthood.

    I am an awful over thinker, so am obviously thinking of all the worse case scenarios!
    Edp likes this.
  4. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Sounds like great progress. The thing is with parenthood, particularly those early days you just have to go with the flow, as it’s a totally new situation. Just start building some good support for your pup now, and you will be fine.
    Puppy Newbie 85 likes this.

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